Members of the environmental response team are River Authority staff with a background in ecology, aquatic biology, water quality, stormwater, natural resources, and environmental management. The team’s mission is to protect human health and the ecology of waterways in the basin. Streams are patrolled frequently by helicopter or vehicle in search of negligent point-source pollution and habitat degradation.
The team collaborates with regulatory agencies to help reduce activity that cause considerable damage to the environment of a stream. To achieve this, the team joined the South-Central Texas Environmental Task Force (SCT-ETF), a group of agencies dedicated in enforcing our local, state, and federal environmental laws.
Report an Environmental Incident
To report any illicit discharge, illegal dumping, fish kills, water quality concerns, or emergency spills, please complete the form below.
Investigations include, but are not limited to:
- Illicit discharge from a pipe carrying pollutants.
- Illegal dumping (e.g., household garbage, construction debris) placed in or near a stream.
- Fill material/dirt placed in or near a stream.
If you see illegal dumping or fill material on private property or a public roadway, reported it to the city or county code-compliance office. In San Antonio, call the City’s Customer Service hotline 3-1-1. In Bexar County call, (210-335-6700).
Emergency Spill
Our agency is equipped to respond to a petroleum spill in our river. To ensure a quick and appropriate response River Authority staff use emergency kits to contain the spill and prevent it from spreading.
Spills involving dangerous chemicals should be reported to first responders such as the San Antonio Fire Department who are trained to oversee a serious incident.
If you see someone dumping pollutants (chemicals, fuel, or motor oil) in or near a stream, report it immediately to law enforcement. The officer responding to the incident will notify the appropriate agency.
Spills involving the release of sewage into the environment should be reported to the city or county in which you live in. In San Antonio, call the City’s Customer Service hotline.
Fish Kill
According to Texas Parks and Wildlife Department the most common cause of fish kills is low dissolved oxygen. If there is not enough oxygen in the water, fish cannot “breathe.” Low dissolved oxygen can be the result of human activities, but in many cases, it is a natural occurrence.
If you see numerous dead fish in our river, report the incident to the River Authority.
You can reach the River Authority at (210) 227-1373 or, toll free at 1(866) 345-7272.