A portion of the Upper San Antonio River, Segment 1911, has been identified by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) as impaired due to bacteria levels that exceed the state criteria for contact recreation. Also identified as impaired due to bacteria are Salado Creek, Segment 1910, a tributary of the Upper San Antonio River, and Walzem Creek, Segment 1910A, a tributary of Salado Creek. The urban environment surrounding the Upper San Antonio River has many potential sources of bacteria. The ultimate source of these bacteria is fecal matter originating from warm blooded animals (wildlife, pets, livestock, and humans). Bacteria from these sources can reach the San Antonio River through numerous potential pathways. The objective of this report is to identify and assess potential sources of bacteria, and to evaluate Best Management Practices that can be used to control those sources.
Park Alert: San Pedro Creek Culture Park
The Rain from Heaven installation is temporarily out of service for maintenance.
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