The San Antonio River Authority is meeting the challenge of keeping lives, property, and our natural environment safe and secure with comprehensive planning, precision protection, strategic partnerships, and community preparedness.
Along with maintaining over 40 dams and other flood control structures, the River Authority also advocates for development techniques designed to reduce runoff and improve water quality.
While green infrastructure features are designed to perform nature-like functions to slow the amounts of sediment and bacteria from getting to creeks and rivers, there are simple ways YOU can help too!
The San Antonio River Authority is inviting you to discover every facet of this gem’s green spaces, flowing waters, parks, trails, and cultural heritage.
Explore the San Antonio River Basin in new ways and uncover the vital role our rivers play in our daily lives.
These maps and reports illuminate how our love and care for the river affects all of the communities both upstream and downstream.
Our commitment to having SAFE and CLEAN creeks and rivers leads to an ENJOYABLE river.
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