Comienza el rodeo de bicicletas de verano

Autopista Escondido Creek 208 N. Sunset Strip, Kenedy, Estados Unidos

Come out to Escondido Creek Parkway to cool off at the Splash Pad, watch a Skate Demo, and participate in additional FREE Family-Fun activities which include Music, Yard Games & […]


Días de la Naturaleza – Todo sobre las Aves

Parque Natural Helton 15662 FM 775, Floresville, TX, Estados Unidos

Join us in becoming a bird's best friend! Discover the incredible adaptations and habitats of our feathered friends. Come and enjoy a festive birding hike around the park and marvel […]


Círculo de tambores

Parque Cultural San Pedro Creek 48 El Paso St, San Antonio, TX, Estados Unidos

Enjoy the spirit and magic of rhythm expressed through our Community Drum Circle. Drumming in a group setting is good for the mind AND body and can produce feelings of […]


Etnobotánica de Plantas Nativas

Parque natural Trueheart Ranch 14984 Blue Wing Rd, San Antonio, Estados Unidos

Embark on an intriguing journey with the San Antonio River Authority staff as we delve into the captivating bond between plants and people along the scenic San Antonio River. Discover […]


Pintar con una caminata – Flores silvestres

Parque Natural Jackson 9284 County Road 401, Stockdale, Estados Unidos

Immerse yourself in the breathtaking beauty of nature and connect with the vibrant wildflowers that thrive in this park. Let the colors of these majestic blooms ignite your imagination and […]

Caminatas del viernes por la noche - Parque Natural Jackson

Parque Natural Jackson 9284 County Road 401, Stockdale, Estados Unidos

Join San Antonio River Authority staff on a nature hike to explore the nocturnal flora and fauna that call Trueheart Nature Park home. Learn about native plants and wildlife in […]


Explorando el hábitat del sapo cornudo de Texas

Autopista Escondido Creek 208 N. Sunset Strip, Kenedy, Estados Unidos

FREE EVENT!!Discover the Texas Horned Lizard Explore the charm of Kenedy, Texas, known as the Horned Toad Capital of Texas! Join us at Escondido Creek Parkway on May 25th to […]


Fin de semana de acampada gratuito – Parque Natural Helton

Parque Natural Helton 15662 FM 775, Floresville, TX, Estados Unidos

FREE CAMPING WEEKEND @ Helton Nature Park is back! Free Camping at Helton Nature Park Friday, May 31 - Sunday, June 2, 2024 3:00 pm - 11:00 am Helton Nature Park 15662 FM 775 Floresville, TX 78114 Register using the link below!


Cine Campside – The Sandlot

Parque Natural Helton 15662 FM 775, Floresville, TX, Estados Unidos

Enjoy a night under the stars with a free screening of The Sandlot, at our next Campside Cinema event at Helton Nature Park! On May 31st at 9:00 pm, set up your blankets & chairs and settle in for a night of fun with family & friends. Show up early to make sure you snag […]


Jornadas de Naturaleza – Árboles

Parque Natural Hendrick Arnold 8950 Fitzhugh Rd, San Antonio, Estados Unidos

Join us on an enchanting journey as we unlock the mysteries of how trees paint the world with their vibrant colors through the mesmerizing magic of chromatography. Prepare to be spellbound by the dazzling visuals that will deepen your admiration for the awe-inspiring wonders of nature! *Hike will be approximately 1-2 miles Tuesday, June 4th, […]


Jornadas de la Naturaleza – Arte en la Naturaleza

Parque del río Branch 445 South Commercial Street, Goliad, Estados Unidos

Join us on an extraordinary adventure with us as we uncover the hidden artistry woven into the fabric of nature all around us. Prepare to be captivated by breathtaking visuals that will ignite a fresh perspective and deepen your appreciation for the boundless creativity of the natural world! *Hike will be approximately 1-2 miles FREE […]


Pintar con una caminata – Serpiente de cascabel

Parque natural Trueheart Ranch 14984 Blue Wing Rd, San Antonio, Estados Unidos

Seize this unique opportunity! Join the San Antonio River Authority staff at Truehart Nature Park for a creative adventure. Dive into your artistic talents as you craft a painting of a rattlesnake, using a palette of vibrant cool or warm colors. Plus, get up close and personal with a real slithery companion! *Hike will be […]



Alerta de sendero para remar en Goliad

AVISO: Sitio de aterrizaje de HWY 59 cerrado

Debido a la construcción del TxDOT en el puente HWY 59, el El sitio de aterrizaje de HWY 59 está cerrado hasta nuevo avisoSin embargo, el El sendero para remar de Goliad permanece abierto, y los remeros aún pueden acceder al río en el Desembarcos en Riverdale, Ferry Street y Goliad State Park.

Planifique en consecuencia y vuelva a consultar para obtener actualizaciones.

Cierre del sendero: Museum Reach en Pearl

El área cerca del puente Pearl North y el sendero Museum Reach debajo del puente en la orilla oeste se encuentran cerrados actualmente. Consulte el mapa a continuación para ver rutas alternativas.

El sendero para remar SASPAMCO está cerrado temporalmente

El personal ha eliminado dos grandes atascos de troncos justo aguas abajo del parque natural Helton, lo que mantiene cerrada temporalmente la parte sur del sendero para remar de SASPAMCO. El personal está trabajando para ponerse en contacto con los propietarios de tierras adyacentes para apoyar una solución de eliminación terrestre.

Sendero de remo SASPAMCO

El sendero para remar SASPAMCO está abierto desde River Crossing Park hasta Helton Nature Park.
*Tenga en cuenta: Paddling Trail desde Helton Nature Park hasta HWY 97 todavía está cerrado debido a bloqueos. 

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