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River Camp Virtual Education Series Logo

Última actualización el 30 de enero de 2024

Looking for fun, educational activities for the whole family this summer?

As the community is directed to practice social distancing for their safety, the San Antonio River Authority (River Authority) is coming up with innovative ways to educate and drive community appreciation for nature and the stewardship of our river. One of these programs is the ¡Campamento del río! educational video series, which offers families free access to environmental and river education content for people of all ages.

Here are our top three River Camp! sessions to get you started!

¡Sea un científico ciudadano!

 The River Authority has a citizen science program that is part of a global community.  You can become a volunteer Citizen Scientist and start collecting important, research-grade data right now! No experience necessary. Simply use your smartphone to download and sign-up on for free! Once you’re in, be sure to join San Antonio River Projects.

Conexiones vecinales

​​​​​Can a piece of litter from your neighborhood end up in the San Antonio River, even if you live 20 miles away? Absolutely! Learn how common land pollutants from neighborhoods such as litter, lawn chemicals, pet waste, and vehicle fluids, find their way to creeks and rivers after a rainstorm with a Do-It-Yourself model you can build in your kitchen.

River Pride – Being Watershed Wise

 ​​​​​​Keeping the land clean means that the San Antonio River can be safe, clean, and enjoyable for people and wildlife alike!  It is amazing how small actions from everyone can add up in such a profound and meaningful way to be a good steward of our environment.  Play a round of Bingo and see what it might take to be able check every box through your personal actions.

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Aviso sobre el sendero Acequia

El sendero Acequia tendrá mucho tráfico cerca de MROC a partir del 22 de mayo hasta nuevo aviso. El proyecto SAWS Acequia traerá equipos para trabajar en el sitio de la estación de bombeo y al otro lado de la calle. Habrá banderilleros para detener el tráfico, por favor tenga precaución. 

Sendero de remo SASPAMCO

El sendero para remar SASPAMCO está abierto desde River Crossing Park hasta Helton Nature Park.
*Tenga en cuenta: Paddling Trail desde Helton Nature Park hasta HWY 97 todavía está cerrado debido a bloqueos. 

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