¡Próximos eventos de primavera en el río San Antonio!

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Kayak along the San Antonio River at the Fiesta Flotilla Event

Última actualización el 30 de enero de 2024

We hope you are enjoying the official start of Spring in Texas! It’s a time to celebrate the arrival of many things: warmer weather, Fiesta® San Antonio, celebrations throughout our San Antonio River Basin communities, and the appearance of the stunning wildflowers that make us proud to be Texan. Today’s blog shares some exciting upcoming events at San Pedro Creek and the San Antonio River this Spring!

Saturday, April 8: The ART OF Four Artist Talk and Mural Unveilings

Come see the anticipated unveiling of the San Pedro Creek Culture Park’s two new mural, installed at the Travis St. and Houston St. underpasses along the lower paseos of San Pedro Creek.

El arte de cuatro was selected last fall to develop two design concepts to add cultural vibrancy and historical references to the bare concrete walls at these locations. This esteemed local arts initiative’s mission is to promote established, emerging, and aspiring Black artists and provide a platform to display, express, preserve, and promote their work. Artists Tyson Davis and Jocelyn Van Taylor will use “Polytab” mural cloths to paint their artworks at the Art of Four’s studio space, En el ojo del espectador Galería de arte y estudio. Community members were given the opportunity to contribute to creating these murals and meet the lead artists during Community Paint Day on Saturday, March 25.

Art of Four participants painting the mural


Art of Four participants painting a mural

These finished murals were delivered to the sites at Travis and Houston Streets and adhered to the concrete walls with a heavy-duty adhesive this past week. A celebratory reception for the unveiling of these new public art pieces will be held on Saturday, April 8. Texas Public Radio (TPR) Worth Repeating host Tori Pool will moderate an artist talk at TPR Headquarters from 1-2pm, with a Q&A to follow. After the talk, join us as we unveil the artists’ murals and close with refreshments at St. James African Methodist Episcopal Church (A.M.E.C.) Culture Crossing in Downtown San Antonio.

Saturday, April 15: CreekFest at San Pedro Creek Culture Park

Creekfest Saturday, April 15th 2023


Come visit the newly opened phase of the park while celebrating San Antonio culture, environmental responsibility, and sustainable practices. CreekFest will take place from 10am-2pm at the St. James A.M.E.C. Culture Crossing in Downtown San Antonio. Take in the park’s beautiful landscape while enjoying student mariachi performances, a community drum circle, Fin Addict fishing education, Mobile Om Yoga, food trucks, and shopping vendors. Check our Events page o Facebook para más información.

Saturday, April 22: 2023 Fiesta Flotilla

Fiesta Flotilla 10 AM - 2 PM at Padre Park on Saturday April 22

You know that feeling when you have THAT super cool event in your social calendar to look forward to? The one you can’t stop talking about? 

We’ve got you covered…ready, set, smile!

The San Antonio River Foundation, and the San Antonio River Authority, invite you to participate in the Official Kayaking Event of Fiesta San Antonio, the Fiesta de la Flotilla Mission Reach, on Saturday, April 22, at Padre Park from 10am-2pm.

With equipment supplied by Misión Kayak, attendees can choose between two different kayaking routes this year, the 1-hr Piñata Paddle starting at 9am and the 20-min Pollinator Paddle Obstacle Course starting at 10am!

These $20-$40 kayak adventures assist our efforts in bringing environmental equity and awareness to the recreational opportunities along the Alcance de la misión del paseo del río San Antonio. In addition to kayaking, there will be many free health and recreational activities for visitors, including fishing, biking, a 30-ft rock-climbing wall, and multiple “outdoor-enthusiast” partners and vendors.

We can’t wait to see you there! Viva Fiesta!

Save the Date!

Race the River: SASPAMCO Paddling Trail

Race the River Paddling Series – Race #2

When: Saturday, May 20

Dónde: Sendero de remo SASPAMCO

Check our Events page for more details to come!

See you at the San Antonio River!


Artículos relacionados


Cierre del sendero de la puerta 5

El Departamento de Obras Públicas de la Ciudad de San Antonio está en el proceso de completar actualizaciones sobre la Presa Nueva St. Debido a la actividad de las grúas, la acera este del River Walk Trail desde Villita St pasando E. Nueva St. y el puente sobre la presa ubicado justo al sur de Nueva St. estarán cerrados hoy, 15 de julio de 2024, entre las 7 a. m. y las 4 p. m. . Existe una ruta de desvío señalizada para peatones. Nos disculpamos por cualquier inconveniente.

Cierre temporal de agua

Se cortará temporalmente el agua en los baños y en el área de chapoteo debido a tareas de mantenimiento. Gracias por su comprensión.

Aviso sobre el sendero Acequia

El sendero Acequia tendrá mucho tráfico cerca de MROC a partir del 22 de mayo hasta nuevo aviso. El proyecto SAWS Acequia traerá equipos para trabajar en el sitio de la estación de bombeo y al otro lado de la calle. Habrá banderilleros para detener el tráfico, por favor tenga precaución. 

Sendero de remo SASPAMCO

El sendero para remar SASPAMCO está abierto desde River Crossing Park hasta Helton Nature Park.
*Tenga en cuenta: Paddling Trail desde Helton Nature Park hasta HWY 97 todavía está cerrado debido a bloqueos. 

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