Juntos somos más fuertes: las autoridades de los ríos de Texas colaboran para lograr aguas limpias y ecosistemas saludables

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River Bank

Hello blog readers! The San Antonio River Authority (River Authority) has long been dedicated to preserving and protecting the health of the San Antonio River and the entire 4,180 square mile watershed. Yet, when it comes to ensuring a robust ecological impact across the state, we must work together with our fellow river authorities! Just as a family tackles housework together, river authorities across Texas often divide and conquer different aspects of our “chores” to accomplish goals. A few of the excellent partner authorities we work with are the Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority (GBRA), Nueces River Authority (NRA), and Bandera County River Authority and Groundwater District (BCRAGD). These partnerships enable resource sharing, cooperative water quality monitoring, and help with habitat conservation throughout this ecological home we call Texas. Together we are better!

Three scientists tag mussels on a table

San Antonio River Authority and GBRA staff worked together on a mussel relocation effort in 2023 on the Guadalupe River.

Resource Sharing

Having a robust laboratory operation is critical for analyzing water quality parameters throughout a river. The River Authority’s regional environmental laboratory contains equipment and staff that are designed just for this and makes us superb at lifting the heavy weight of water quality analysis. Because of this, we are well suited to help our partner river authorities by taking on some analytical testing for their samples. Our partners go out and collect different samples from various watersheds and promptly bring them to the River Authority for analysis. Some of the tests submitted include measuring E. coli. levels in Boerne City Lake for BCRAGD, and total dissolved solids content for sites in NRA’s jurisdiction. Additionally, the River Authority also serves as a backup facility for GBRA’s laboratory in case they run into any equipment problems or need to take some time away from analysis. In turn, our partners also help us by grabbing samples in the San Antonio River Basin, but at closer distances to their home base of operations, everyone wins with collaboration!

A River Authority scientist fills sample bottles with river water.

El coordinador de servicios de laboratorio, Justin Mills, registra las muestras recibidas por el laboratorio.

Water Quality Monitoring and Habitat Conservation

Maintaining a healthy ecosystem for Texas rivers involves extensive habitat and biological studies where river authority siblings work together to monitor and assess environmental conditions within each basin. Observations from water quality assessments and fish population and vegetation surveys are collected within each river basin and then shared with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). The River Authority’s data, combined with data from the other river authorities, contribute to TCEQ’s biennial Integrated Report of Surface Water Quality, which provides a statewide overview of water quality conditions. This report is essential for identifying areas needing improvement, setting water quality standards, and guiding restoration efforts. By sharing findings and standardizing observations, the River Authority and its siblings provide a unified, science-backed foundation for improving and sustaining water quality and habitats across Texas rivers.

A group of people stand together near the San Antonio River Bank

River Authority staff led portions of a statewide workshop with other river authorities across Texas at the Medina River in Bandera County to learn how to conduct fish, habitat and aquatic insect surveys.

Stronger Together

The partnerships between us and our sibling river authorities underscore the commitment to a healthier future for Texas rivers. By combining resources and aligning on common goals, we can better monitor, manage, and protect Texas’ valuable water resources. Working together allows us all to address river management challenges in an efficient manner, ultimately benefiting both the environment and the communities that rely on these rivers now and for future generations.

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