Sumérgete en la aventura con River Authority: ¡explora, rema y descubre!

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River Clicks 2024 Winner -Trueheart Ranch Nature Park—Steve Steger

Spring is here, bringing fresh stories to share!
Explore creeks and rivers, with wonders everywhere.
Join us for events, both big and small—
There’s something for everyone, fun for all!

How many of these must-do events can you check off your list this spring?

  • 📖 Story time along San Pedro Creek

Story time at Mustard Seed Plaza

🌿📚 Bring the little ones for a magical morning of nature-themed storytelling! Our engaging tales will spark curiosity and inspire a deeper connection with the great outdoors.

Story Time happens on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of March, April, and May. Each session features delightful stories about 🦉 wildlife, 🌻 plants, and the wonders of nature—perfect for young explorers!

🚶‍♂️ No registration required—just walk up and join the fun!

  • 🌙🥾Take a hike in the moonlight!

Friday Night Hikes promotional image

🌿🌙 Join San Antonio River Authority staff on a nature hike to explore the nocturnal flora and fauna that San Antonio River Authority’s nature-based parks call home.

🦉🌱 Learn about native plants and wildlife in a fun and exciting way! You never know what you’ll find, so join us for these wildcard night hikes through these amazing nature parks.

👉Sign Up for the Hike

  • Reel in the fun—no license needed!

Fin Addict Fishing Clinic promotional graphic

🎣 If you would like to learn how to fish or you just enjoy fishing, come out to Acequia Park and join Fin Addict staff and their amazing volunteers for an Clínica de educación para pescadores. 🐟 These are free events and open to the public, and NO FISHING LICENSE is needed for these events!

👉 Registrar aquí

  • 🎬 Watch a movie under the stars!

Creekside Cinema - Escondido Creek Parkway

🐸🎬 FREE Event!

Enjoy an evening under the stars with a free screening of a family-friendly movie (to be announced soon!). Get your blankets and chairs ready for a fun night with family and friends.

🍿 Get there early to make sure you get free popcorn provided by the River Authority! 🚶‍♂️ No registration required—just walk up and join the fun!

  • 🛶🌊Paddle a Kayak down the San Antonio River

Race the River Mission Reach - April 12, 2025

Race the River is back! This 3-part racing series will give new and pro racers a paddling experience of the Mission Reach, SASPAMCO and Downtown River Walk.

👉 Register by following this link!

  • 🎉Join the Fiesta Fun!

Fiesta Flotilla

🎉🛶 The official kayaking event of Fiesta is back! Enjoy a day of FREE outdoor fun, live music, and Fiesta excitement!

🎨 Immerse yourself in arts and crafts, 💃 folk dancers, 🐍 an animal exhibit, and a vibrant Fiesta Medal Market. Try kayaking for FREE and join the excitement of our 🎣 fishing clinic, 🎨 kayak decorating contest, and 🚴 new bike decorating contest.

Free activities include:

🎣 Fin Addict Fishing Clinic
🚣 Free Kayaking: Walk-ins only, no reservations
🎨 Free Art Activity
🐾 Animal Exhibition
🎶 Live Music
🌮 Food Vendors
🛍️ Fiesta Metal Market
🚴 Bicycle Decoration Contest
🛶 Kayak Decoration Contest

📅 Schedule of Performances (these may change!)

  • 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM: Puro Pito Power – A high-energy band that mixes jazz, funk, cumbias and more!
  • 12:30 PM–1:00 PM: Ballet Folklorico Performance
  • 1:00 PM–1:30 PM: Mariachi Performance
  • 1:30 PM–3:00 PM: Stefani Montiel–A Tejano music powerhouse!
  • 📸Capture an award-winning photo!
People’s Choice – James Casino

River Clicks 2024 Winner -People’s Choice–James Casiano

Experience the beauty of the San Antonio River Basin! As spring awakens, native plants bloom in vibrant colors, pollinators buzz with energy, and wildlife thrives in action. Capture these magical moments and showcase the natural wonders around you by entering the 8th Annual River Clicks Photo Contest!

La categoría especial de este año celebra la Sendero para remar Goliad Parque del río Branch in honor of the 25th Anniversary of Canoe Trail Goliad, a local nonprofit that has partnered with the River Authority to promote river recreation and nature-based tourism in Goliad. The River Authority invites you to explore the rich history and natural beauty of Goliad, along with the entire San Antonio River Basin, and share your photos with us!

👉 Submit Your Photo Now!

Manténgase actualizado sobre todos los programas y eventos gratuitos que se llevan a cabo en River Authority Parks and Trails visitando nuestro página del evento.

We truly appreciate those of you who were able to attend River Authority programs and events! Your support allows us to keep providing free activities throughout the Cuenca del río San Antonio.

Decorative Banner saying Thank you.

Artículos relacionados


Alerta de sendero para remar en Goliad

AVISO: Sitio de aterrizaje de HWY 59 cerrado

Debido a la construcción del TxDOT en el puente HWY 59, el El sitio de aterrizaje de HWY 59 está cerrado hasta nuevo avisoSin embargo, el El sendero para remar de Goliad permanece abierto, y los remeros aún pueden acceder al río en el Desembarcos en Riverdale, Ferry Street y Goliad State Park.

Planifique en consecuencia y vuelva a consultar para obtener actualizaciones.

Cierre del sendero: Museum Reach en Pearl

El área cerca del puente Pearl North y el sendero Museum Reach debajo del puente en la orilla oeste se encuentran cerrados actualmente. Consulte el mapa a continuación para ver rutas alternativas.

El sendero para remar SASPAMCO está cerrado temporalmente

El personal ha eliminado dos grandes atascos de troncos justo aguas abajo del parque natural Helton, lo que mantiene cerrada temporalmente la parte sur del sendero para remar de SASPAMCO. El personal está trabajando para ponerse en contacto con los propietarios de tierras adyacentes para apoyar una solución de eliminación terrestre.

Sendero de remo SASPAMCO

El sendero para remar SASPAMCO está abierto desde River Crossing Park hasta Helton Nature Park.
*Tenga en cuenta: Paddling Trail desde Helton Nature Park hasta HWY 97 todavía está cerrado debido a bloqueos. 

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