Nativos del sur de Texas: el lince rojo

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Last Updated on enero 15, 2025

Photo Credit: Jack Cochran (iNaturalist CC-BY-NC)

Have you ever seen a bobcat (Lynx rufus)? Bobcats are typically elusive, but if you quietly walk through your local natural area, you might be lucky enough to see one of these treasured Texas cats in the San Antonio River Watershed!

Bobcats are about the size of a medium dog or about twice the size of a house cat, with spotted fur of brown and black with some white underneath. They also have short “bob” tails— hence their name! These short tails are good way to identify them against other cats, like mountain lions, which have long tails.


This queen, or female bobcat, strikes a pose in front of a trail camera while she rests with a litter of kittens not far behind. Fun Fact: This and the following images in this blog were captured on a trail camera at a property near the San Antonio River!

¿Dónde se encuentran en Texas?

Bobcats are found in most parts of Texas, but often escape view due to their nocturnal hunting habits and large range; male bobcats, known as “tomcats”, may travel an area of about 15 square miles! Bobcats are adept at climbing trees, swimming, and hiding in brushy areas. Given their size and preferred habitat, they will often be well-hidden during the day, tending to stay in thick, covered areas for better protection.


An adult bobcat on the prowl at sunset.

Threats to Bobcats

Despite their striking beauty and resemblance to familiar domestic cats, bobcats are still wild animals that thrive best in their natural habitats, free from the harm of human interference. Like most wildlife, bobcats must compete for resources like food, water, and shelter. Predators for adult bobcats are mountain lions while owls, domestic dogs, and coyotes can pose a threat to bobcat kittens. Coyotes are sympatric with bobcats, meaning they share the same habitats. Because they have similar diets, these two species often compete for resources and may actively avoid one another.

Three bobcats hiding in the brush

Young bobcats, called kittens, are often born around April in litters of 2-4 kittens. They will stay with their mother for protection, usually until the fall or early winter. Can you find all three in this trail camera photo? (Scroll down for the answer!)

As communities expand, more roads could mean increased risk of car collisions, as well as less natural areas for their prey, which can negatively impact bobcat populations and survivability. Bobcats can also be harmed from ingesting rodents infected by pesticides (rodenticides).

Bobcats are crepuscular, active at dawn and dusk, in addition to hunting at night. Bobcats and other crepuscular wildlife may be especially susceptible to light pollution as it impacts their ability to successfully find food in urban and suburban areas.


An adult bobcat in the early morning hours.

How You Can Help Bobcats!

Bobcats are a fairly adaptable animal, and while their populations across Texas appear to be stable, remember to keep wildlife wild! Never feed or approach wild animals, even if they appear injured or abandoned—this keeps both you and the animal safe!

By giving bobcats and other wild animals space, it helps to keep them away from areas they shouldn’t be or that are dangerous, like roads and neighborhoods. Keeping your distance helps prevent wildlife from becoming habituated to humans. This ensures that bobcats will continue being successful hunters and protectors of their young. Whether it’s spotting a queen with her kittens or an adult bobcat at dusk, every encounter will be a reminder of the beauty and resilience of wildlife in the San Antonio River Watershed!

Want to know more about bobcats? Here are some great resources!


Hidden bobcats identified with circle

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