La nueva escultura ecológica de San Pedro Creek ayuda a nuestras vías fluviales

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The Hand large sculpture rendering.

Bienvenida a la ¡Serie Corrientes Creativas! Public art, cultural programming, and artistic design enhancements express what is authentic about today’s culture and explore the historical significance of area waterways through a contemporary art lens. This series provides an inside look at the many ways artists are incorporated into community projects managed by the San Antonio River Authority, including the growing Parque Cultural San Pedro Creek.

Who’s ready to learn about the latest public art project along the San Pedro Creek Culture Park? Read along as you sift through some information we have on hand.

The sculpture, which just completed 100% fabrication, is the work of Brooklyn-based artist Mark Reigelman.

Reigelman has completed several projects across the country. From San Diego a New York City, this amazing artist is well known for his impressive large-scale pieces! We are incredibly excited for to showcase his talent and contribute to the public art scene here in San Antonio.

Lop sided house artistic sculpture

The Meeting House by Mark Reigelman, Boston, MA

Having finished several projects along waterfronts, Reigelman knows how to handle the challenge of creating installations that activate environments with a focus on water and sustainability. In the past, Reigelman took on the challenge of creating an urban-natural reconnection experience in Brooklyn, New York. The Domino Sugar Factory, which had been closed for decades under the Williamsburg Bridge along the East River, had obstructed access to stunning waterfront views of Manhattan and Brooklyn. Following extensive redevelopment efforts, the factory was demolished, giving way to Domino Park, a 5-acre public park that features the interactive sculpture Sweetwater at its heart. This substantial artwork honors the area’s past while encouraging all visitors to explore and enjoy.

Metal sculpture made of containers, slides and tubes.

Sweetwater, Domino Park Playground by Mark Reigelman, Brooklyn, NY

Similarly, San Pedro Creek was for decades a utilitarian concrete culvert, stripped of its cultural importance and nearly forgotten. Since 2016, the Creek has been under reconstruction, transforming phase by phase into the beautiful linear park that it is today. This bold, site-specific approach is what Reigelman embraced as he was drafting concepts for his piece at San Pedro Creek Culture Park.

Dusty road where construction takes place

Aerial view of the site in March 2023, San Pedro Creek at IH35/IH10

Inspired by the Culture Park’s goals of creating a world-class linear park that mitigates flooding, enhances water quality, and creates community linkages, Reigelman landed on what would become the park’s newest sculpture: Falling Water. Located at the southernmost tip of the Culture Park, Falling Water welcomes pedestrians with a message of purity and beauty.

The larger-than-life piece mimics a universal, timeless, and wholesome gesture—reaching out and cupping one’s hand to collect water. Its form holds strong meaning and provides shelter from sun and rain.

The Hand large sculpture rendering.

Its scale is wonderful and visually impactful, serving as a functional gateway to the Culture Park as the San Pedro Creek and Apache Creek meet on the inner Westside. Made of Corten steel, the color blends the industrious roadway above with the naturalistic scene of the creek below.

With a firm grasp on the theme of “beauty with a purpose,” the sculpture itself is a vessel for water filtration, capturing runoff from roadway that would otherwise land on the creeks walking paths and guiding it to a bed of native plants to filter and treat the water before flowing into the San Pedro Creek. This function makes it incredibly unique among all other public artworks.

Falling Water is hands-down a one-of-a-kind piece, creating excitement for park visitors and highlighting environmental efforts while offering educational experiences!

Construction of the hand large form sculpture

Artist Mark Reigelman mimics the sculpture’s gesture.

Construction of the hand large form sculpture

The sculpture’s impressive stature, from below

Picture of drain to be placed at the top of the large hand sculpture

The palm of the structure is perforated to allow the runoff from the highway to be treated by the sculpture and surrounding vegetation at its base

Fabricated in Denver, Colorado by Demiurge Design, the sculpture is being driven 1,000 miles to its new home in the Alamo City! With installation expected to be completed by late November, the sculpture will be ready to greet park visitors in time for the final San Pedro Creek celebration in Spring 2025.

Interested in emulating Mark Reigelman’s sculpture by creating your own rain garden?

Give your waterway a helping hand by checking out uno de nuestros blogs anteriores! The River Authority has many resources for people like you who want to keep our creeks and rivers safe, clean, and enjoyable!

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