¡Ven a celebrar el Parque Cultural San Pedro Creek este fin de semana!

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Celebrate Phase 1 Completion of San Pedro Creek Culture Park

Última actualización el 30 de enero de 2024

The San Antonio River Authority (River Authority) and Bexar County invite the public to celebrate the completion of Phase 1 of Parque Cultural San Pedro Creek (Parque Cultural) Friday, October 14, and Saturday, October 15. Located in the heart of downtown San Antonio, this linear park celebrates San Pedro Creek through art, nature, and culture while serving as a flood control project and a place of enjoyment for the community. San Pedro Creek has long been considered the city’s birthplace, for it was here that the first dwellers and future generations of indigenous people and settlers founded what would become San Antonio. The Culture Park is a multi-phased and multi-year project supported by a joint effort of Bexar County, the River Authority, and the City of San Antonio.

Weekend Celebration Schedule

Friday, October 14

San Pedro Creek Culture Park - STREAM

The weekend of celebrations will kick off at 6:00 p.m. en Friday, October 14, with a Lighting Ceremony where Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff and the River Authority will welcome this new chapter in downtown San Antonio. Celebrations will include a live performance from Urban 15 and the activation of the ARROYO instalación de arte by Adam Frank.

 Saturday, October 15

San Pedro Creek Culture Park - Five Panel Mural

The celebration will continue all day Saturday, October 15, along the San Pedro Creek Culture Park with guided historical tours, live music, artist panels, book talks, community booths, live performances, and food vendors, plus activities for all ages.

Here are some highlights to look forward to:

  • Check out 3 main stages showcasing the history of San Pedro Creek Culture Park. Nueva St, Commerce St, and Houston St will be closed to provide food trucks, market vendors, and performances for all to enjoy.
  • Visit the historic Casa Navarro, the Canary Islands Descendants, Los Bexarinos, and Ruiz Descendants while listening to spoken word by Don Mathis and the San Antonio Symphonic Band.
  • The University of Texas at San Antonio School of Data Science and National Security Collaboration Center will be hosting an open house along with a talk by U.S. Air Force Brigadier General (Ret.) Guy M. Walsh, the Executive Director of the National Security Collaboration Center.
  • Admire the newly completed ceramic tile mural La Gloriosa Historia de San Pedro Creek En Mi Mente: Una Historia en Cinco Episodios, or venture across the street to the Spanish Governor’s Palace for a free tour. Visit activities from the Witte Museum, the San Antonio Zoo, and the International School of San Antonio.

San Pedro Creek Culture Park - Five Panel Mural

  • Experience ARROYO, an interactive art installation that converts sound into a visual light display along a 250-foot water wall.
  • Dance to music from Bexar Brass, Eddie & The Valiants, a D.J., and others at an outdoor stage. Make sure to come inside the Texas Public Radio Headquarters to listen to a panel discussion with Culture Park artists, as well as book talks and a conversation with Judge Nelson Wolff.
  • Visit La Zona, a new area where Sojourn Trading Company will provide raspas y paletas, plus FREE face painting and balloon animals. Next door, visit an exhibition area arranged by the architects, designers, and engineers behind San Pedro Creek Culture Park to learn about the project and how it has evolved.
  • See the archaeological remains of four different historical sites, including the historic St. James African Methodist Episcopal (A.M.E.) church, that were uncovered in April 2020. Stick around for a blessing by the Tehaun Mission Indians and a performance by The Public Theater at San Pedro Playhouse.
  • Join fellow community members, elected officials, an archaeologist, A.M.E. Church representatives, and descendants of A.M.E. Church founders to celebrate the history of the St. James A.M.E. Church through worship, special music, and speeches.

We hope to see YOU at the celebration of the completion of Phase 1 of San Pedro Creek Culture Park!

For a full schedule, as well as complimentary shuttle and parking information, please visit: https://spcculturepark.com/grand-opening-completion-phase-1/

¡El alcance del río ha vuelto!

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