El Parque Cultural San Pedro Creek celebra su tercer aniversario

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San Pedro Creek Culture Park

Parque Cultural San Pedro Creek (SPCCP) has been a long-time vision set forth by Condado de Bexar, el ciudad de san antonio, and the San Antonio River Authority (River Authority) that became a reality on May 5, 2018, which was the 300th Anniversary of the founding of the Bexar County/San Antonio community. SPCCP opened to the community with a day-long family celebration where thousands of people came out to take part in the festivities that included music, food, and lots of family fun as it was the centerpiece of community’s week-long 300th birthday celebration!

The project partners had a common goal with this important collaborative project. The natural environment of San Pedro Creek has been restored—with a purpose that goes well beyond just being beautiful and enjoyable. It combines public art and architectural design, hydrological science, the biosciences, engineering, and native horticulture. It focuses on the creek’s natural beauty, and the rich and colorful story of its own history as well as the cultural identity and traditions of the community around it. Most importantly, it mitigates flooding, which is important for public safety and the protection of nearby properties. A new chapter for this historic creek opened three years ago providing a wonderful public park that is now being enjoyed by thousands of visitors – and you’re invited to be part of this story to create your own long-lasting memories!

Read along to learn about the park’s construction progress and the events and programming available to the public in honor of the park’s third anniversary!

Park Progress

In the past three years, SPCCP has seen continued growth through increased trail usage, many cultural events and programs, and collaborations with local organizations. Sundt-Davila Joint Venture continues construction of Phases 1.3 and 2 which are anticipated to be completed in October 2022 and April 2023, respectively. Phase 1.2 construction has been delayed due to an archaeological discovery, with its final completion tentatively projected to be August 2022, pending final coordination with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The public can sign up to receive construction updates via email to keep up to date with the latest developments.

Events & Programming

Since 2018, SPCCP has launched two annual events – Illume: Making Spirits Bright (December) and Festival del arroyo (May), both of which pivoted to digital formats during the pandemic.  In 2020, SPCCP launched three new virtual series – Get Creative, Creekside Chats, and Fit & Flow – that have continued to engage the community through these challenging times. Throughout the years, SPCCP has also partnered with local arts organizations for events, temporary artwork installations, and special performances to increase our capacity to provide meaningful programming to the community and to bring new audiences to the park. 

As the River Authority begins planning in-person activities once again at SPCCP, be sure to check out the park’s sitio web or the mobile app for the latest event information. We look forward to seeing you at this living, breathing park with a purpose!

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