San Antonio River Paddling Essentials

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Paddlers enjoy the Mission Reach segment of the San Antonio River Walk

Como parte de nuestro compromiso con seguro, limpio, agradable creeks and rivers, the San Antonio River Authority (River Authority) maintains over 45 miles of senderos para remar durante el Cuenca del río San Antonio. Whether you are a paddling beginner or have more experience on the water, there are many paddling trail options on the San Antonio River to choose from for an exciting adventure!

Read along as we share some paddling tips as well as some recommendations to help you plan your San Antonio River paddling excursion.

Please remember: Share the Trail and the River. Respect Other Users. Expect Other Users.

Paddling Essentials

Rivers are ever-changing, dynamic systems with inherent dangers, so please remember the following safety tips:

  1. Be prepared. Visit the River Authority’s website for paddling trail updates and also check the weather and river flows prior to paddling to ensure proper paddling conditions.
  2. Check your equipment and make sure you have the necessary accessories.
  3. Wear appropriate clothing and bring plenty of water and sunscreen.
  4. Avoid paddling alone and inform someone of your paddling plans.
  5. Proceda bajo su propio riesgo. Planifique su viaje para que sus habilidades de remo sean iguales a las condiciones del agua.

For a full list of hike, bike, and paddling safety tips, click aquí. You can also help prevent the spread of mejillones cebra by properly rinsing your equipment before you get in the river.

Please note, in accordance with CDC guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic, mask wearing and social distancing are strongly encouraged while visiting River Authority parks and while enjoying the hike and bike trails, including while transporting your paddling equipment between the parking lot and river. Once you are on the water in your kayak or canoe, wearing a mask is optional given appropriate social distance from others is typically maintained while paddling.

Paddling Trail Recommendations

River Clicks 2020 - Goliad County Special Category Winner

El Sendero para remar del Rey Guillermo y el Sendero para remar Mission Reach section at Davis Lake near Espada Park are ideal for beginners. Once you get more comfortable, we recommend expanding your trip along the Mission Reach Paddling Trail with a trip from the access point at Roosevelt Park south to Mission Espada. You can download the San Antonio River Walk map to view all the paddling access points.

For more experienced paddlers, we recommend the Sendero de remo SASPAMCO which begins at the River Authority’s Parque del cruce del río on the San Antonio River in Bexar County. There are additional access points at Parque Graytown en el río San Antonio, en John William Helton - Parque Natural del Río San Antonio, County Road 117, and at Texas Highway 97 in Floresville River Park.

El Sendero para remar Goliad is also a great option to experience the San Antonio River! The trail begins under US Highway 59 in Goliad County with an additional access point at Ferry Street near Branch Nature Park and ends at Goliad State Park. Take advantage of the flotilla events in the spring and fall organized by our partner Sendero de canoas Goliad which are open to paddlers of all levels.

Given the growing popularity of kayaking and the demand for more access to the San Antonio River, plans are currently under development to expand the Goliad Paddling Trail by over 25 miles and other sections of the San Antonio River and Medina River are being considered for future paddling trail development.

San Antonio River Paddling Film

Want to know what it’s like to paddle the San Antonio River? Check out our film: From San Antonio to Seadrift – Paddling the San Antonio River. We hope this inspires you to plan your own paddling trip and enjoy the beauty of this precious resource!

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Cierre del sendero de la puerta 5

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Cierre temporal de agua

Se cortará temporalmente el agua en los baños y en el área de chapoteo debido a tareas de mantenimiento. Gracias por su comprensión.

Aviso sobre el sendero Acequia

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Sendero de remo SASPAMCO

El sendero para remar SASPAMCO está abierto desde River Crossing Park hasta Helton Nature Park.
*Tenga en cuenta: Paddling Trail desde Helton Nature Park hasta HWY 97 todavía está cerrado debido a bloqueos. 

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