La Autoridad del Río San Antonio trabaja para reubicar de forma segura especies de peces nativos durante el drenaje del paseo del río

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QUÉ: The San Antonio River Authority (River Authority) will conduct operations and maintenance activities as a part of the City of San Antonio’s (COSA) draining of portions of the San Antonio River along the River Walk. The section the River Authority will focus on the Museum Reach from Pearl to Lexington Ave. River Authority staff will leverage the opportunity of lower water to perform preventative maintenance and improve the river’s habitat function by planting aquatic native plants. In addition to operations and maintenance activities, crews from the River Authority’s Environmental Sciences Department will be serving as the lead biologists throughout the entire River Walk area during the draining. The River Authority’s scientific staff will be working to save and relocate native aquatic species to other appropriate parts of the river while removing any non-native invasive species. They will also be on the lookout for non-native invasive fish species like the Plecostomus (suckermouth catfish) and tilapia, and the non-native invasive Apple Snail, which was discovered in the River Walk in October 2019. The operations and maintenance work, as well as the biological efforts, are all part of the River Authority’s commitment to safe, clean, enjoyable creeks and rivers.

CUANDO: Tuesday, January 25, 2022 @ 10:00 a.m.

OMS: Chris Vaughn, San Antonio River Authority Senior Aquatic Biologist

DÓNDE: River Authority staff will be available for interviews related to the aquatic species work at the intersection of Alamo Street at Commerce Street near Lone Star Café. Nefi Garza, P.E., City of San Antonio’s Public Works Assistant Director will be onsite and speak to the river drainage process. Tommy Mitchell, San Antonio River Authority Watershed and Park Operations Senior Superintendent will also be onsite for questions related to operations and maintenance activities.

NOTES: Citizens are encouraged to help stop the spread of non-native invasive aquatic species by never dumping aquarium contents in a Texas river, lake, or natural body of water. Community members can also help by reporting any sightings of non-native invasive species within the San Antonio River Basin to the River Authority’s Environmental Investigations Team at or by contacting the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD). Visit TPWD’s sitio web para obtener más información.

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