La Autoridad del Río San Antonio anuncia la apertura de dos nuevos parques

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Trueheart Ranch

Última actualización el 4 de enero de 2024

Hendrick Arnold Nature Park and Trueheart Ranch Nature Park Open September 23

(SAN ANTONIO, TX) – The San Antonio River Authority will open two new parks on Public Lands Day, a day celebrated nationally to promote the enjoyment and conservation of public lands. Hendrick Arnold Nature Park, located at 8950 Fitzhugh Rd. (off of Montgomery Rd.) and Trueheart Ranch Park, located at 14984 Blue Wing Rd. will open on Saturday, Sept. 23 featuring nature trails, interpretive signage, restrooms, and serve as pathways for migratory animals and pollinators.

“These new parks are a testament to our dedication to creating clean and enjoyable creeks and rivers and the environment that surrounds them,” said Kristen Hansen, River Authority Deputy Director, Parks and Recreation. “We invite the community to come explore and experience the natural beauty of these remarkable additions to our city.”

Hendrick Arnold Nature Park offers 74 acres of riparian woodland along the Medina River and will feature interpretive and educational facilities. Hendrick Arnold was a Black Texas Ranger and military scout during the Texas Revolution, After the revolution, Arnold received compensation in the form of land a few miles northwest of the site of present-day Bandera.

Trueheart Ranch features 351 acres of pecan orchards, livestock grazing, and riparian woodland that fronts the San Antonio River. Trueheart Ranch has a rich history dating back to the early 19th century when it was part of a Mexican government land grant given to José Antonio de la Garza. Later owned by James Trueheart and his wife Margarita, the property underwent development, including the construction of a stone house and irrigation systems. In 1902, a portion of the land, including the ranch house, was sold to the San Antonio Hunting and Fishing Association, who established Blue Wing Lake on the property as a waterfowl sanctuary.

These parks, in addition to their rich history, serve as vital habitats for migratory animals and pollinators, with over 250 native plant species providing essential nutrients. These ecosystems support bionetworks along the San Antonio and Medina rivers, benefiting migratory species.

More information on the two parks can be found at

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