¡Corre por los tramos! Carrera por el río virtual

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Run the Reaches Virtual River Run logo

Como parte de nuestro compromiso con seguro, limpio, agradable creeks and rivers, the San Antonio River Authority (River Authority) maintains more than 28 miles of hike and bike trails throughout the San Antonio River Basin. Our parques y senderos offer a safe opportunity for enjoying the outdoors while practicing social distancing.

As the community is directed to stay home and work safe due to COVID-19, the River Authority is coming up with innovative ways to educate and drive community appreciation for nature and the stewardship of our river.

We are very excited to announce the inaugural ¡Corre por los tramos! Carrera por el río virtual! Read along to learn more about this new event and how you can register!

What is the purpose of this event?

This inaugural event offers participants the opportunity to experience the beauty, art, and cultural significance of the Alcance del museo y Alcance de la misión San Antonio River Walk segments through a fun run. Participants can choose from designated event routes or they can also make their own route as this virtual run offers the opportunity for personalized options to fit everyone’s taste and comfort level. Registration is online and there is a large window of time to complete your run which makes it ideal for everyone!

How do I register?

Participants can registro en línea between September 1-28, 2020. There is a $15 registration fee and these funds will be donated to support our nonprofit partner, the Fundación Río San Antonio (Foundation). Established to provide amenities and enhancements along the San Antonio River and its tributaries not funded by public monies, the Foundation invests in public projects that provide opportunities for residents and tourists alike to enjoy the river’s natural beauty, immerse themselves in its history, and become thoughtful stewards of its future.

What happens after I register?

Jogger on the Mission Reach River Walk segment.

Once you register, you can choose from one of the 5K routes provided or you can create your own and choose any distance you’d like. Then, use your favorite workout app to GPS your run or walk anytime between September 1 and October 12, 2020. After your run, make sure to share your workout as a public post on either Facebook or Instagram. Tag @sanantonioriver and use the hashtags: #RuntheReaches #BeRiverProud. Once you’ve completed all the requirements, you will be eligible to receive event-themed goodies as a “thank you” for participating. Simply come to our headquarters located at 100 E. Guenther St. during business operating hours (8 a.m. to 5 p.m.) Monday through Friday and show us your post to receive a T-shirt, fiesta medal, and reusable bag from October 12-26, 2020.  

Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to enjoy the outdoors and the San Antonio River while supporting a great cause. Register aquí and help spread the word!


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