River Authority brinda asistencia comunitaria a la Asociación de Ferias del Condado de Goliad

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The River Authority Supports Efforts to Construct Wastewater Infrastructure for New Show Barn

GOLIAD COUNTY, TX – The San Antonio River Authority (River Authority) recently supported the Goliad County Fair Association’s (Fair Association) construction of a new show barn and required water and wastewater infrastructure with $35,000 in community assistance funding. The River Authority has provided assistance in the past to the Goliad community including the Goliad Paddling Trail, Angel of Goliad Trail, and park benches across the city of Goliad. The Fair Association’s new show barn will be an integral community asset and the River Authority was glad to play a role in its construction.

The River Authority contributed $35,000 toward the cost associated with the project’s water line to the building as well as the manhole and sewer line installation. The project’s wastewater infrastructure needs align with the River Authority’s mission to ensure water quality within the San Antonio River watershed. “The River Authority was happy to assist with the construction of the new show barn” said River Authority Goliad County Board Member Alicia Cowley. “We have always prioritized clean water and gladly took the opportunity to safeguard water quality for this new development.”

The show barn, completed in March of 2022, is located next to the Fair Association’s rodeo arena off Hwy 183. The property proudly hosted this year’s County Fair and looks forward to hosting prospect shows and clinics. “The Goliad County Fair Association is grateful for the partnership and grant from the River Authority” said Fair Association Secretary Lana Jarzombek. “This grant enabled us to get all the underground water piping done with the assistance of our city, county, and contractor efficiently.” Those interested in scheduling the show barn should contact the Goliad County Extension office for more information.

Community assistance is important to the River Authority’s mission to ensure safe, clean and enjoyable creeks and rivers. The organization is proud to provide assistance to communities in the San Antonio River basin and will continue to support water quality projects. For more details on community assistance contributions, contact Kendall Hayes at (210) 302-3641, or visit the River Authority’s website at sariverauthority.org

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