River Authority Partners with Canoe Trail Goliad to Host 13th Annual Spring Flotilla

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QUÉ:  Canoe Trail Goliad is partnering once again with the San Antonio River Authority (River Authority) and Goliad State Park and Historic Site to host the 13th Annual Spring Flotilla that will take place Saturday, April 17, 2021 on the Goliad Paddling Trail.

Canoe Trail Goliad is a public-private partnership led by citizens of Goliad County that organizes flotillas on the Goliad Paddling Trail twice a year. Participants can bring their choice of travel along with paddles and safety gear to HWY 59 bridge, West of Downtown Goliad by 9 a.m. on Saturday, April 17, 2021.  There will be parking available at the Goliad State Park with shuttle service (Texas Parks and Wildlife entry fees apply).  Following the Flotilla which is scheduled from 11:30am – 1:30pm, there will be a participant lunch provided by Dynegy-Coleto Creek Power at Goliad State Park.  Registration deadline is noon on Wednesday, April 14, 2021. Participants can register for the Flotilla online by filing out a registration form for each family member participating and bring all necessary paperwork.  Participants can also celebrate Earth Day by collecting trash with bags provided by Canoe Trail Goliad.

CUANDO:           Saturday, April 17, 2021 9 am

DÓNDE:         Sendero para remar Goliad

                         Put In: HWY59 Bridge, West Downtown Goliad

CONTACT:     Wilfred Korth, Canoe Trail Goliad at (361) 542-0374

NOTAS:          Flotilla is subject to weather-related cancellation through 8 a.m. on event day. Call Goliad State Park at (361) 645-3405 for more information.

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