Esfuerzos de colaboración de los socios de la Autoridad del Río

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View of San Antonio River

Última actualización el 30 de enero de 2024

Como parte de nuestro compromiso con seguro, limpio, agradable creeks and rivers, the San Antonio River Authority (River Authority) promotes collaborations with local, regional, state, and federal governments and officials. It is thanks to the collaboration between these groups and the merging of ideas and resources that many projects have been successfully completed over the years that have helped improve area creeks and rivers.

Read along as we highlight two significant projects that are currently taking place in collaboration with our partners!

Programa de senderos y arroyos del condado de Bexar

Salado Creek

The River Authority has worked with Bexar County on significant projects throughout the agency’s history like the Proyecto de recreación y restauración de ecosistemas Mission Reach, which increased the quality, quantity, and diversity of plants and animals along the eight miles of the Alcance de la misión del paseo del río San Antonio and added more than 16 miles of hike and bike trails and eight miles of paddling trail.

On any day you can see families, joggers, bikers, and kayakers utilizing the trails along the San Antonio River and Bexar County creeks, enjoying the sunshine and greenspaces that grace the county. The Bexar County Commissioners Court has decided to honor this treasured part of the community by making significant investments in the proposed amount of $247 million to improve trail system connections, restore damaged ecosystems, improve flood mitigation, and boost economic investments within the County. The program will include the creation of thirty-five miles of hike and bike trails and the restoration of nearly thirteen miles of creeks and rivers. Bexar County will work closely with the City of San Antonio and the River Authority to develop and manage these projects, moving to fully connect the emerald necklace of central Texas. In particular, the River Authority will collaborate with Bexar County to serve as project manager to aid in the design and construction of the Bexar County Creeks and Trails Program.

San Antonio Zoo Well Project

San Antonio Zoo Pond and gazebo

San Antonio Zoo

The San Antonio Zoo currently operates a well on a site owned by the City of San Antonio and uses the water for its animals. The water is treated by UV light to help get rid of bacteria such as E. coli before it drains into the San Antonio River. The current water well is failing, and the San Antonio Zoo is at risk to lose the only water source for their animals. The River Authority provided initial technical assistance by conducting a preliminary engineering report to determine potential solutions. Now, the River Authority is teaming up with the City of San Antonio, Bexar County, and the San Antonio Zoo to install a new well and provide repairs to the existing well to improve its function and efficiency, as the zoo requires consistent flow from the well to remain operational. The funding for the project is being provided by the city and county. The project is still in its early stages and construction is expected to begin in 2022 and is expected to end in 2023.

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Cierre del sendero de la puerta 5

El Departamento de Obras Públicas de la Ciudad de San Antonio está en el proceso de completar actualizaciones sobre la Presa Nueva St. Debido a la actividad de las grúas, la acera este del River Walk Trail desde Villita St pasando E. Nueva St. y el puente sobre la presa ubicado justo al sur de Nueva St. estarán cerrados hoy, 15 de julio de 2024, entre las 7 a. m. y las 4 p. m. . Existe una ruta de desvío señalizada para peatones. Nos disculpamos por cualquier inconveniente.

Aviso sobre el sendero Acequia

El sendero Acequia tendrá mucho tráfico cerca de MROC a partir del 22 de mayo hasta nuevo aviso. El proyecto SAWS Acequia traerá equipos para trabajar en el sitio de la estación de bombeo y al otro lado de la calle. Habrá banderilleros para detener el tráfico, por favor tenga precaución. 

Sendero de remo SASPAMCO

El sendero para remar SASPAMCO está abierto desde River Crossing Park hasta Helton Nature Park.
*Tenga en cuenta: Paddling Trail desde Helton Nature Park hasta HWY 97 todavía está cerrado debido a bloqueos. 

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