¡River Authority organiza la celebración del primer aniversario de Escondido Creek Parkway!

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Escondido Creek Parkway in Kenedy, TX

Como parte de nuestro compromiso con seguro, limpio, agradable arroyos y ríos, la Autoridad del Río San Antonio (Autoridad del Río) opera y mantiene la naturaleza parques y senderos durante el Cuenca del río San Antonio. With the October 2020 opening of the Autopista Escondido Creek in Karnes County, the River Authority now has a nature park in each of the four counties in the agency’s jurisdiction. Escondido Creek Parkway provides the community opportunities to sit, stroll, run, play, and enjoy the outdoors along a waterway full of benefits.

Learn more about the amenities and features available at Escondido Creek Parkway and the details of the festivities to commemorate the park’s first anniversary!  

Escondido Creek Parkway Amenities and Sustainability Features

The Escondido Creek Parkway, in the City of Kenedy, offers recreational opportunities for all Karnes County residents and the surrounding community. Recreational amenities at the Escondido Creek Parkway include a multi-purpose hike and bike trail that is over one mile long and is surrounded by beautiful Texan native landscaping. Additional amenities include: a playground, skate park, splash pad, pavilion providing ample shade, an amphitheater, picnic tables, grills, park benches, monuments to Parkway donors, and parking.

Escondido Creek Parkway also features sostenible land development practices such as bio-retention features, cisterns, and a butterfly rain garden that are all designed to improve water quality by mimicking natural areas that slow, detain, and filter rainwater runoff. To honor Kenedy being recognized as the horned-toad capital of Texas, you can also find a horned-toad habitat at the park to help protect this endangered species. The River Authority also provides educación and park programming opportunities for community engagement throughout the year.

Anniversary Celebration

Escondido Creek Parkway Anniversary Event

Join us for an Anniversary Celebration of the Escondido Creek Parkway on October 16, 2021, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.! Special guests, the Kenedy ISD Band, will kick off the celebration with a performance at 10 a.m. In addition to the park amenities, the River Authority and Texas Parks and Wildlife will provide free family-friendly activities. Don’t forget your blanket to enjoy a picnic at the park with delicious food from local food vendors and live music by the Mark Odom Band! The park’s splashpad will also be open for the event. Visit our eventos page and social media channels by following @sanantonioriver and @escondidocreekparkway for more information.

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