Reflexiones sobre el éxito y donaciones para generar impacto: celebremos el 2024 con River Foundation

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Two River Warrior Volunteers participating in a cleanup

Last Updated on diciembre 19, 2024

As the year draws to a close, the River Foundation is taking a moment to celebrate the successes of 2024. With your support, we’ve been able to launch innovative programs, engage our community in meaningful ways, and deepen our commitment to preserving the San Antonio River Basin as a vibrant cultural, ecological, and recreational treasure. Don’t miss out on some of the last opportunities to support us this year and make the season brighter for our community! This past weekend at the San Antonio River Authority’s Museum Reach Río de luces event, the River Foundation encouraged attendees to Fill the Canoe with toys to benefit St PJ’s Children’s Home. If you missed the event, there are still ways to give: look out for our annual appeal arriving soon in mailboxes soon!

Below, we’re highlighting two programs that have made a significant impact this year.

Art In the Open: Transforming Public Spaces with Contemporary Art

Art installation

This July, our Art In the Open program welcomed artist Kara Salinas to Confluence Park. A San Antonio native and educator, Kara brought her expertise in digital art, design, and architecture to create Tentsallation, an enchanting installation of colorful prisms reminiscent of kites. Suspended across the BHP Pavilion, the prisms harmonized with nature and the built environment, inviting visitors to share in a joyful and reflective experience.

Art In the Open is more than a showcase of artistic talent—it’s an initiative that aligns art with our mission to enhance the San Antonio River as a cultural and educational resource. By offering artists new exhibition opportunities and connecting the public with contemporary art experiences, we foster a deeper appreciation for the river and its surroundings.

As we look forward to future installations, we’re grateful for the artists and community members who join us in transforming public spaces into canvases for shared human experiences.

City Council River Cleanup Program: Building a Cleaner Future Together

Graphic flyer promoting river cleanup event

Launched in September 2024, the City Council River Cleanup Program has already made a measurable impact on the health of the San Antonio River Basin. This collaborative effort engages residents from all 10 City Council districts in monthly cleanups, fostering environmental responsibility and education about the watershed’s vital role in our ecosystem.

Key achievements this year include:

  • 24,000 pounds of trash removed from San Antonio’s waterways.
  • Elimination of the age restriction for cleanup events, allowing families and youth to participate and promoting multi-generational involvement.
  • Distribution of sustainable swag to encourage eco-friendly practices and raise awareness about waste management.

In partnership with the River Authority, CoSA Parks & Recreation Department, and River Aid San Antonio, the program brings our community together to protect our natural resources. With every cleanup, we take a step closer to a cleaner, more sustainable future for our creeks and rivers.

Celebrate the Season with the River Foundation!

Fill the Canoe Toy Drive Promotional image

As we wrapped up an inspiring year, we invited attendees at the River of Lights event this past weekend to celebrate the spirit of giving. Together, we filled the Canoe with toys to brighten the holidays for children at Hogar de niños St. PJ.

Toys filled a canoe

Thank you for being part of our journey in 2024. Your support fuels our mission to preserve and enhance the San Antonio River Basin as a vital resource for generations to come. Let’s continue to make a difference—together!

Happy Holidays,

The San Antonio River Foundation

Disclaimer: The River Foundation is a separate entity from the San Antonio River Authority. Any donations would be solely to the River Foundation, which is a non-profit tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

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