¡Es la Semana EE! ¿Has agradecido a algún Educador Ambiental?

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Última actualización el 30 de enero de 2024

El personal de la Autoridad del Río San Antonio (Autoridad del Río) está comprometido a seguro, limpio, y agradable arroyos y ríos. Aún así, necesitamos que USTED nos ayude a proteger y preservar los recursos naturales del área para las generaciones futuras. Hay muchas maneras en que puedes involucrarte y Estar orgulloso del río!

We want to highlight your positive actions, so please share pictures or videos of you and your loved ones on social media using #BeRiverProud. Once a month, we’ll feature your stories on our blog. This month, we’re celebrating National Environmental Education Week by highlighting schools and organizations where students learn what it means to be #RiverProud. Read along to learn more!

After going completely virtual in the 2020-2021 school year, the River Authority’s Education and Engagement Team was excited to return to outdoor-based programming this school year! Visiting Confluence or Acequia Park on a weekday morning this year, you were likely met with smiles and laughter from students on an outdoor field trip led by our team. These life-changing experiences allow students to explore the ecosystem of the San Antonio River, learn about non-point source pollution problems and solutions, and participate in an activity with a visiting partner organization. Can’t make it out to the park? The education team will go to you! Our educators conduct in-person classroom presentations and have virtual options, too.

The first few months of 2022 have been quite busy for field trips, with spots booked months ahead of time. And for a good reason! During one field trip, fifth graders from Salado Elementary had a wonderful time interacting with live animals that traveled all the way from San Antonio Bay! With the help of Captain Whitney from the Texas Floating Classroom, students connected our actions upstream with the effects we have on organisms downstream.

5th graders enjoy learning about the importance of conservation

The River Authority education and recreation teams organized a memorable field trip with CAST STEM High School at Acequia Park. Students learned how to safely paddle on the river, went on a nature hike to identify plant and animal species, and even saw the 300 + year old San Juan Acequia. That’s older than the Declaration of Independence!

Even community organizations interested in environmental education have visited our education team! For their spring break architecture camp, Girls Inc. of San Antonio took a trip to Confluence Park to learn how the park was designed to work with nature to protect the San Antonio River.

Students at Confluence Park travel down the stairs towards the San Antonio River.

¿Eres educador?

Here are a few ways to show love for your river and celebrate National Environmental Education Week:

  • Commit to keeping our local waterways clean by taking the pledge with your students.
  • Engage with us on social media! We love to see pictures of field trip experiences in action.
  • Harness the power of place-based education and stewardship in your classroom! Visit our Educator’s Toolkit and download the Campus Cleanup Service-Learning Program materials. Students will learn about the San Antonio River watershed and how non-point source pollution impacts the ecosystem. They can then take action to solve this problem with a litter pickup on their school grounds. Talk about empowerment!
  • Keep yourself up to date on what’s happening in your watershed by signing up for the blog.
  • Explore our Plan de estudios y ¡CAMPAMENTO DEL RÍO! webpages where you’ll find educational activities for every grade level.

Decorative banner saying

During this week of recognition and appreciation for environmental educators everywhere, we want to thank you for inspiring the younger generations to grow into lifelong stewards of our precious natural resources. With your commitment and dedication, we can keep our waterways seguro, limpio, y agradable for years to come!


How to #BeRiverProud in 4 easy steps:

  1. Participe en cualquier actividad que demuestre orgullo por el río, como: recrearse a lo largo del río San Antonio, mostrar su responsabilidad por el río San Antonio, recoger basura como parte del No dejes que la basura ensucie tu río initiative, and using sustainability practices at your home. (Leer Muestre su orgullo por el río y Lo que puedes hacer for examples of activities you can do at your home and at Parques de la Autoridad del Río.)
  2. ¡Publica una foto de tu actividad en las redes sociales!
  3. Etiqueta @sanantonioriver
  4. Incluir #BeRiverOrgulloso

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Cierre del sendero de la puerta 5

El Departamento de Obras Públicas de la Ciudad de San Antonio está en el proceso de completar actualizaciones sobre la Presa Nueva St. Debido a la actividad de las grúas, la acera este del River Walk Trail desde Villita St pasando E. Nueva St. y el puente sobre la presa ubicado justo al sur de Nueva St. estarán cerrados hoy, 15 de julio de 2024, entre las 7 a. m. y las 4 p. m. . Existe una ruta de desvío señalizada para peatones. Nos disculpamos por cualquier inconveniente.

Aviso sobre el sendero Acequia

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Sendero de remo SASPAMCO

El sendero para remar SASPAMCO está abierto desde River Crossing Park hasta Helton Nature Park.
*Tenga en cuenta: Paddling Trail desde Helton Nature Park hasta HWY 97 todavía está cerrado debido a bloqueos. 

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