Experimente el arte al aire libre: celebre el Mes del Arte Contemporáneo con la Fundación River

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Two women gather around a bowl

Every year during March, San Antonio’s Mes del Arte Contemporáneo (CAM) celebrates creativity, collaboration, and cultural innovation. From live music to collaborative public art, the San Antonio River Foundation is offering something for everyone to enjoy. Join us at these events throughout CAM at Parque de la Confluencia y Parque Cultural San Pedro Creek!

Sonic Transmission event flyer

Sonic Transmission: A Night of Sound and Vision

When: Saturday, March 1 | 7:00–11:00 PM

Where: Confluence Park

Cost: FREE! Register Now.

Dive into a night of sonic exploration with Sonic Transmission, a quarterly event blending live music, captivating visuals, and a vibrant market featuring local vendors. Performances include a range of talented sound artists, DJs, and musicians, such as Marcos Cabral, Bill Converse, Kelby Clark, DJ Venus, and many more. Visual artists like Forum Sound, Om.i.god, A._B., and Diego Chavez of AM Architect bring the night to life with stunning projections.

Bring your friends, enjoy the music, and shop local at this unmissable evening!

International Women's Day Performance Event flyer

Karla Kopalli: Nature/Nurture

Performance Premiere: Saturday, March 8 | 2:00 PM

Where: BHP Pavilion at Confluence Park

Cost: FREE!

Join multidisciplinary artist Karla Kopalli for the premiere of Nature/Nurture, a collaborative multi-part project and performance honoring the essential contributions of San Antonio’s women to their families, communities, and city.

Featuring 260 caracolas—hand-formed clay shells symbolizing strength, creativity, and nurturing care created by women from across the city—these caracolas take center stage in a 20-minute ritual performance celebrating resilience, connection, and the nourishing power of women.

Undershot of the pavilion at Confluence Park

CAM Student Film Festival: A Platform for Young Talent

Film Fest: Saturday, March 29 | Dusk

Where: BHP Pavilion at Confluence Park

Cost: FREE!

San Antonio’s official Contemporary Art Month continues to support the next generation of artists with its High School Student Film Festival. The River Foundation is proud to present talented young filmmakers in partnership with CAM.

The annual film fest is an excellent opportunity for aspiring filmmakers to get inspired, connect with peers, and share their stories on a larger platform. Don’t miss the chance to be a part of this exciting initiative!

Art in the Open Event flyer

Don Mathis: Writers Take a Walk

When: Sunday, April 6 | 9:00 AM–12:00 PM

Where: Mustard Seed Plaza at San Pedro Creek Culture Park

Cost: FREE! Registration is required!

From contemporary art to poetry, kick-off National Poetry Month at San Pedro Creek Culture Park with Writers Take a Walk. Participants will be immersed in the park’s beauty with a tour of the area surrounding Mustard Seed Plaza, taking in native flora and art installations to further inspire and express their impressions in words. All participants will be rewarded, but the best poems receive top prizes!

Don Mathis

Don Mathis

Free parking is provided at the San Pedro Creek Culture Park parking lot at 723 S Flores and along Camp Street near Ruby City.

Art In the Open: A Commitment to Cultural Vibrancy

Two women gather around a bowl

These events and programs are part of the San Antonio River Foundation’s Arte al aire libre initiative to support artists and engage the community with contemporary art experiences and enhance the cultural vibrancy of the San Antonio River while promoting conservation and stewardship of its natural beauty. Whether you’re drawn to the dynamic energy of Sonic Transmission, the collaborative beauty of Nature/Nurture, or the inspiring work of young filmmakers, Contemporary Art Month offers countless ways to connect with art, nature, and the community.

¡Apoye su río San Antonio hoy!

Kayaker on the Mission Reach Paddling Trail near Confluence Park.

¿Interesado en ayudarnos a lograr nuestra misión? Como organización sin fines de lucro, dependemos de donaciones de seguidores como usted. Su donación ayuda a amplificar nuestro impacto al brindar una administración de clase mundial para la cuenca del río San Antonio, revivir paisajes nativos, repoblar especies nativas y brindar oportunidades comunitarias centradas en los ríos basadas en la naturaleza para las artes y la cultura, la educación, la ecología y la recreación. Te invitamos a Suscríbase a nuestro boletín mensual para obtener actualizaciones sobre la emocionante programación y eventos programados durante todo el año y promete tu apoyo to the conservation, restoration, preservation and enjoyment of the land and water resources of the San Antonio River Basin.

Esta pieza es aportada por el Fundación Río San Antonio (Fundación del Río), que apoya actividades científicas y educativas que promueven y fomentan la conservación, administración, restauración, preservación y disfrute de los recursos de tierra y agua de la cuenca del río San Antonio.

Disclaimer: The River Foundation is a separate entity from the San Antonio River Authority. Any donations would be solely to the River Foundation, which is a non-profit tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

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