Ciclismo en Mission Reach en el #BeRiverProud de marzo.

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Be River Proud

Última actualización el 30 de enero de 2024

El personal de la Autoridad del Río San Antonio (Autoridad del Río) está comprometido a segurolimpioagradable arroyos y ríos. Aún así, necesitamos que USTED nos ayude a proteger y preservar los recursos naturales del área para las generaciones futuras. Hay muchas maneras en que puedes involucrarte y Estar orgulloso del río!

The River Authority wants to highlight the positive actions of community members. We invite you to share with us pictures or videos of you and your loved ones on social media using #BeRiverOrgulloso. Once a month, we’ll feature your stories on our blog!

This month we’re highlighting one #BeRiverOrgulloso follower that has shared their love of local creeks and the San Antonio River on social media.

Breathtaking landscapes, grand artwork, and internationally recognized National Parks are just a snapshot of the Mission Reach of the San Antonio River Walk. This 8-mile linear park has over 16 miles of trail along the river for pedestrians and bicyclists to enjoy, plus a paddling trail for canoeing and kayaking. These trails connect to stunning Mission Portals which are large works of art serving as gateways to the San Antonio World Heritage Mission Sites. The Mission Reach was recently crowned the Best Biking Trail for Lo mejor de la ciudad 2022 de la revista San Antonio!

Anthony Arredondo (Instagram: @Anthonyjarredondo) is a local cyclist that enjoys all aspects of the Alcance de la misión del paseo del río San Antonio hike and bike trails! On Anthony’s Instagram page, you can find a mix of video and photography of areas where he rides his bike, including visits to the San Antonio Missions. Anthony told us, “The Mission Reach trails are a safe place where I can explore and have fun with plenty of opportunities to learn things and exercise.”

Sunset view of the San Antonio River.

Sunset on the Mission Reach of the San Antonio River Walk. Photo Credit: Anthony Arredondo

You can also find portals to the San Antonio Missions World Heritage Sites marked by public art along the Mission Reach. These beautiful artworks are sponsored by the River Authority’s non-profit partner, the Fundación Río San Antonio. Learn about these four portales and plan your next visit to the Alcance de la misión!

Angled view of bicycle handle with background showcasing wave patterns etched on the walking trails

A stop at the Mission Concepcion portal, Retorno del río, by Stacy Levy Photo Credit: Anthony Arredondo

Not a bike rider? No worries! There are plenty of other recreation opportunities along the San Antonio River, including birdwatching, fishing, and kayaking! Learn more about these activities on our Recreación de YouTube series.


How to #BeRiverProud in 4 easy steps:

  1. Participe en cualquier actividad que demuestre orgullo por el río, como: recrearse a lo largo del río San Antonio, mostrar su responsabilidad por el río San Antonio, recoger basura como parte del No dejes que la basura ensucie tu río initiative, and using sustainability practices at your home. (Leer Muestre su orgullo por el río y Lo que puedes hacer para ver ejemplos de actividades que puede realizar en su hogar y en los parques de River Authority.)
  2. ¡Publica una foto de tu actividad en las redes sociales!
  3. Etiqueta @sanantonioriver
  4. Incluir #BeRiverOrgulloso

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