¡Celebrando a nuestros River Warriors por el Día Internacional del Voluntariado!

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San Antonio River Authority River Warrior logo.

Última actualización el 31 de marzo de 2023

The San Antonio River Authority (River Authority) River Warriors are registered River Authority volunteers over the age of 15 who are inspired and energized by our work and want to support the health of the Cuenca del río San Antonio by becoming ambassadors for the San Antonio River.

En honor de International Volunteer Day, we want to highlight the efforts of our volunteers during this year to help advance our mission of being committed to seguro, limpio, agradable creeks and rivers. Read along and learn how you can also join our volunteer program!

Virtual Training Opportunities

In accordance with public health recommendations regarding COVID-19 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), City of San Antonio, Bexar County, and the State of Texas, the River Authority hosted virtual training opportunities for our River Warriors over the past several months rather than in-person events. The River Authority hosted a Citizen Scientist training where 60 participants learned from local experts in preparation for the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department’s Texas Pollinator Bio-Blitz in October, where more than 50,000 observations were made by more than 5,000 participants. Volunteers also participated in an Apple Snail egg-casing removal training where participants received proper protocols to support the River Authority’s Environmental Sciences team’s invasive species control efforts. River Warriors are also receiving training to begin a chapter of the Equipo de transmisión de Texas to monitor water and environmental quality in the San Antonio River Basin. During the past year, despite the COVID-19 restrictions, the River Warrior volunteers have received 224 hours of training and conducted 780 volunteer hours!

¿Cómo me registro para ser River Warrior?

River Warrior participating in Apple Snail egg-casing monitoring efforts on the King William Paddling Trail.

River Warrior participating in Apple Snail egg-casing monitoring efforts on the King William Paddling Trail.

Visita el Pagina de voluntariado of the River Authority’s website to learn more about the River Warrior volunteer program, and after reading through the page, you can register at the bottom of the page. Once registered, you will receive opportunities via email to participate in virtual and in-person trainings and events. Plus, you can earn some cool gear and be invited to special events as a thank you for your time and effort!

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*Tenga en cuenta: Paddling Trail desde Helton Nature Park hasta HWY 97 todavía está cerrado debido a bloqueos. 

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