This series provides readers the opportunity to learn about the unique insight and experiences of the San Antonio River Authority (River Authority) Board of Directors and their personal connection to the San Antonio River in hopes of inspiring stewardship of area creeks and rivers
Patrice Melancon, profesora de Educación Física, grew up in the New Orleans, LA area and completed her Civil Engineering degree at the University of Louisiana – Lafayette on an Air Force ROTC scholarship. She served 9 years on active duty before transferring to the Air Force Reserves in 1997 and moving to Austin for her master’s in water resources engineering from the University of Texas.
She worked with communities in Central Texas, finding solutions to water supply, water distribution, wastewater collection, and flood control problems. In 2016, Patrice joined the San Antonio River Authority where she served as the Engineering Department Manager until 2019 when she was called back to active duty. In retirement, Patrice is doing a bit of consulting but is also focused on giving back to her community and her profession.
¿Cómo ha sido tu primer año en la Junta de la Autoridad del Río?
Coming back to the River Authority has been a truly enriching experience. While my role has evolved from a previous staff member to board member, being able to contribute to the River Authority’s mission from a new perspective has provided fresh insights into the organization’s impact. The opportunity to work alongside dedicated professionals who share a passion for our waterways has reinforced my commitment to the River Authority’s vision.
¿Qué proyectos actuales o futuros te entusiasman?
The Westside Creeks (WSC) Ecosystem Restoration project represents a remarkable milestone in the River Authority’s long-term planning. Having been part of the initial conversations about this project over a decade ago, it is particularly meaningful to see it now positioned for funding. This project will transform our urban waterways, creating vital green spaces, improving how flood control looks and functions, and enhancing the quality of life for surrounding neighborhoods. The persistence and dedication that brought this project from concept to near-reality exemplifies the River Authority’s commitment to long-term community benefit.
Patrice and fellow board member Liza “Lisa” Barratachea pose with artist Diana Kersey’s sculpture at San Pedro Creek Culture Park.
Describe uno de tus recuerdos favoritos relacionados con el río, arroyos o senderos.
My fondest memories center around my evening bike rides along the Mission Reach trail. During daylight saving time, a group of us at the River Authority would regularly complete a 10-mile round trip journey, watching the sunset paint the sky while cyclists, joggers, and families enjoyed this urban oasis. It’s been remarkable to witness the area’s evolution from its early development stages to the vibrant corridor it is today. The native plants have matured, wildlife has returned, and the trail has become a beloved community gathering space. I continue these rides regularly, each time noticing new details in this ever-evolving landscape that serves as a testament to successful ecological restoration.
San Antonio River’s Mission Reach just south of downtown San Antonio.
Las elecciones para la Junta Directiva de la Autoridad del Río se llevan a cabo cada dos años. Dirígete a nuestro sitio web para más información sobre la Junta Directiva y Comités de la Autoridad del Río San Antonio.
Comparte tu historia
¿Qué es lo que más le gusta de su vía fluvial? ¿Tiene buenos recuerdos de su infancia, jugando junto a uno de los arroyos? ¿Sus tradiciones familiares incluyen celebrar días festivos o eventos especiales en un parque cerca del agua? ¿Su día libre ideal en el trabajo implica pescar, salir a caminar o remar en el río? Ya sea que se encuentre en los condados de Bexar, Wilson, Karnes o Goliad, queremos saber cómo una de las vías fluviales de la cuenca del río San Antonio ha tenido un impacto positivo en su vida. Visite el sitio Mi página del proyecto de historia oral de River Way ¡Para compartir tu historia hoy!