Perspectivas de la junta directiva: Lourdes Galván

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Board member Lourdes Galvan at the Alazán Creek Linear Trail Grand Opening in 2016

Última actualización el 30 de enero de 2024

Esta serie brinda a los lectores la oportunidad de conocer las ideas y experiencias únicas de la Junta Directiva de la Autoridad del Río San Antonio (Autoridad del Río) y su conexión personal con el Río San Antonio con la esperanza de inspirar la administración de los arroyos y ríos del área.

Lourdes Galván, Condado de Bexar

Lourdes Galvan brings a wealth of experience in community service to the River Authority. She has served as a former City of San Antonio District 5 council member. Currently, she works as a business development specialist with Dependable Business Solution. For many years, Ms. Galvan has been a major supporter of the Proyecto de restauración de Westside Creeks. She has been a board member at the River Authority since 2013. She was reelected to the board in 2019, and her current term expires in 2025.

¿Qué valor aporta la Autoridad del Río San Antonio a la comunidad?

The Alazan Creek Linear Trail Groundbreaking in 2015

The Alazán Creek Linear Trail Grand Opening in 2016 Crédito de la foto: Autoridad del Río San Antonio

Of the many valuable things that the River Authority provides to the community, the ecosystem restoration and development of local creeks holds special meaning to me. In addition to the Alcance de la misión y el Alcance del museo, there are many other beautiful creeks that are an integral part of the Cuenca del río San Antonio, including the Alazán and Apache creeks. These creeks have not received as much attention in the past and people are now beginning to realize the value these creeks have to their communities and neighborhoods.

¿Cómo podemos garantizar que el río San Antonio se preserve para las generaciones futuras?

Luther Burbank High School students participate in a litter pickup during a field trip at Confluence Park.

Luther Burbank High School students participate in a litter pickup during a field trip at Confluence Park. Crédito de la foto: Autoridad del Río San Antonio

Kids and adults alike may not realize that local creeks are essential in maintaining a seguro, limpio, y agradable San Antonio River Basin. This is why we have a great responsibility to educate each other about ways to be stewards of our precious freshwater resources. This starts with simply having conversations with friends and family.

In particular, the Don’t Let Litter Trash Your River initiative is a great way to get involved. Schools, organizations, and community members can all do their part to tomar la promesa. Together we can communicate how important it is to preserve our creeks for future generations.

westside creeks logo

Another way to help preserve the San Antonio River is by advocating for funding for projects like the Westside Creeks Restoration Project. Community members can take action to get involved and make their voices heard at the upcoming Oversight Committee meeting en February 15. 2022.

By educating each other about the history of our creeks and speaking up, we can create change!

¿Cuál es la mejor manera de interactuar con el río San Antonio?

A Snowy egret searches for its prey along Alazán Creek.

A Snowy egret searches for its prey along Alazán Creek. Crédito de la foto: Autoridad del Río San Antonio

There have been many improvements to make the Westside Creeks accessible in recent years, with more still to come. The Linear Creekway Trail Improvements Project has helped to add half a mile of trails next to Alazán Creek, including a safe pedestrian passage underneath Waverly and Culebra Streets.

In addition, there are three and a half miles of trail connecting San Antonio’s west side community to Downtown through the Apache/San Pedro Creekway trail system along the San Antonio River. This system connects west San Antonio to Brackenridge Park, downtown, and the historic Missions.

By experiencing these creeks firsthand, communities can get to know these critical waterways and look forward to the future improvements that are coming. These creeks are a precious jewel to our community. Their function and aesthetic should be glorified because they are right here in our backyard!

Nombra un hecho interesante sobre la cuenca del río San Antonio que la mayoría de la gente tal vez no conozca.

The Blue Hole at the Headwater at Incarnate Word.

The Blue Hole at the Headwater at Incarnate Word. Crédito de la foto: Autoridad del Río San Antonio

One interesting thing I learned upon joining the River Authority board of directors, is that the largest spring forming the headwaters of the San Antonio River is just north of downtown. This artesian spring is known as the Blue Hole and is located on the University of the Incarnate Word campus. At approximately 670 feet above sea level, this spring is fed by the Edwards Aquifer. It has been a source of freshwater for indigenous peoples for over 12,000 years.


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