Perspectivas de la junta directiva: Jim Campbell

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View of downtown San Antonio from the King William Paddling Trail

Última actualización el 30 de enero de 2024

Esta serie brinda a los lectores la oportunidad de conocer las ideas y experiencias únicas de la Junta Directiva de la Autoridad del Río San Antonio (Autoridad del Río) y su conexión personal con el Río San Antonio con la esperanza de inspirar la administración de los arroyos y ríos del área.

 Jim Campbell

Jim Campbell is a native Texan and a graduate of Roosevelt High School in San Antonio with a Bachelor of Arts degree from Texas A&M University. Campbell is a governmental relations and communications professional, whose career has included employment in the United States Congress, Texas Legislature, and San Antonio municipal government. He currently serves as a mayoral appointee to the San Antonio Mobility Coalition Executive Committee and as Chairman of the Brooks Development Authority Board. As a resident of the King William Historic District, both he and his wife Shawn are passionate users of the San Antonio River Walk. He has been a River Authority board member representing Bexar County’s District 4 since 2015.

¿Cuál es tu tramo favorito del río San Antonio?

My favorite section of the San Antonio River is the area by the King William Historic District.  It provides easy access for fishing, kayaking, and paddle boarding thanks to the Sendero para remar del Rey Guillermo. This trail allows paddlers the opportunity to enjoy a serene paddle on the river and explore history, art, bridges, and good eats and drinks all in the same afternoon.  I also enjoy seeing the interesting mix of tourists and neighbors who mix and mingle on this stretch of the river, which has become a popular spot in San Antonio in recent years.

De todos los proyectos y esfuerzos actuales de la Autoridad del Río San Antonio, seguros, limpios y agradables, ¿cuál cree que es el más impactante o inspirador?

Salado Creek

The River Authority has a long, successful track record of implementing impactful and inspiriting projects, so it’s hard to select just one project. Recently, the River Authority, together with Bexar County, started an initiative to create a vision for the redevelopment of Salado Creek. Salado Creek runs through the heart of Bexar County’s District 4 and is a major tributary of the San Antonio River. Like past successful projects, including the Alcance del museo, Alcance de la misión, Proyecto de restauración de Westside Creeks, Autopista Escondido Creek, and the ongoing Parque Cultural San Pedro Creek, a citizens’ advisory committee has been established to help provide guidance to this new Salado Creek initiative. As the River Authority’s Bexar County District 4 board member, I have been actively engaged with this new initiative and the citizens’ advisory committee. Over time, restoration of the Salado Creek will address the seguro, limpio, y agradable aspects of the River Authority’s mission and provide another important connection between the surrounding neighborhoods, the creeks, and the river.

¿Por qué es importante ser administradores de la cuenca del río San Antonio y proteger los arroyos y ríos del área? 

San Antonio River Basin

The river is the reason we exist as a community.  It gives us a unique identity and worldwide reputation.  The headwaters of the San Antonio River were a gathering place for Native Americans over 12,000 years ago, providing precious water in a semi-arid landscape and attracting game. It has been a huge economic generator and recreational resource for hundreds of years.  If we don’t protect this resource, we will lose a significant part of our past, present, and future.

¿Cuál es una acción positiva que alguien puede realizar para ser River Proud?

Bikers enjoying the Mission Reach San Antonio River Walk segment

At the River Authority, we believe that the more people interact with our creeks and rivers, they will forge meaningful connections and will want to preserve and protect these resources. So please, visit the river or one of our creek ways.  Experience the beauty of a part of the river you’ve never seen before.  Take a walk or rent a kayak.  Try fishing or have a picnic on the river’s bank.  Rediscover the San Antonio River and tell everyone you know what an amazing treasure we have in the heart of San Antonio and South Texas. 

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Cierre del sendero de la puerta 5

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Cierre temporal de agua

Se cortará temporalmente el agua en los baños y en el área de chapoteo debido a tareas de mantenimiento. Gracias por su comprensión.

Aviso sobre el sendero Acequia

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Sendero de remo SASPAMCO

El sendero para remar SASPAMCO está abierto desde River Crossing Park hasta Helton Nature Park.
*Tenga en cuenta: Paddling Trail desde Helton Nature Park hasta HWY 97 todavía está cerrado debido a bloqueos. 

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