Perspectivas de la junta directiva: Gaylon Oehlke

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Conquista Crossing on the San Antonio River in Karnes County

San Antonio River at Conquista Crossing in Karnes County.

Esta serie brinda a los lectores la oportunidad de conocer las ideas y experiencias únicas de la Junta Directiva de River Authority y su conexión personal con el río San Antonio con la esperanza de inspirar la administración de nuestros arroyos y ríos.

 Gaylon Oehlke, Condado de Karnes

Gaylon Oehlke nació y creció en el condado de Goliad, donde asistió a la escuela secundaria Goliad. Obtuvo una licenciatura en economía agrícola de la Universidad Texas A&M en 1972. Durante este tiempo, Oehlke fue miembro de la Guardia Nacional de Texas. Oehlke se jubiló en marzo de 2004 como presidente de las oficinas de crédito de Kenedy y Robstown para Capital Farm Credit, ACA, después de 32 años de servicio. Ha sido miembro de la junta directiva de la Autoridad del Río San Antonio (Autoridad del Río) desde 2003 y su mandato actual expira en 2025.

¿Cuál es tu tramo favorito del río San Antonio?

In my opinion, the most beautiful section along the San Antonio River is at Conquista Crossing in Karnes County. It’s a very historic location as it was used on the western La Bahia Road from San Antonio to Goliad County. The riverbed in this area is made up of limestone rock so the river is very shallow and the water is very clear compared to other sections of the river.

De todos los proyectos y esfuerzos actuales de la River Authority que son seguros, limpios y agradables, ¿cuál cree que es el más impactante o inspirador?

Escondido Creek Parkway Splash Pad

By making our creeks and rivers more agradable, the River Authority is helping bring people closer to our waterways, which in turn will help create meaningful and positive connections. I’m very excited for the opening of Autopista Escondido Creek in Karnes County this year as it will complete the River Authority’s park presence within its service district. This park will celebrate our community’s contributions and will also offer new opportunities to sit, stroll, run, play, and enjoy the outdoors along a waterway full of benefits.

¿Por qué es importante ser administradores de la cuenca del río San Antonio y proteger los arroyos y ríos del área?

River Authority Board Member Gaylon Oehlke’s OK Ranch in Karnes County

Oehlke’s OK Ranch in Karnes County.

Having a background in agriculture and ranching, I have always been aware of the importance of land conservation. Serving on the River Authority board, I learned about the importance of protecting our water resources and how these are connected as our actions on land affect the salud de nuestros ríos. We can all be stewards by learning of positive actions we can take that will leave a lasting impact for future generations.

¿Cuál es una acción positiva que alguien puede realizar para ser River Proud?

Karnes County residents participate in the River Authority’s Fall Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event on September 19, 2020.

Karnes County residents participate in the River Authority’s Fall Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event on September 19, 2020.

It’s very upsetting to see people litter. Illegal dumping hurts our creeks and rivers and everyone can help by picking up after themselves and learning of resources available to dispose of items like unused medications, electronics, paints, and tires. The River Authority partners with local entities to host biannual Household Hazardous Waste Collection events which provide a safe option to dispose of these materials and keep them from reaching our waterways.

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