Perspectivas de la junta: Dr. James Fuller del condado de Goliad

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James Fuller

Última actualización el 30 de enero de 2024

Esta serie brinda a los lectores la oportunidad de conocer las ideas y experiencias únicas de la Junta Directiva de la Autoridad del Río San Antonio (Autoridad del Río) y su conexión personal con el Río San Antonio con la esperanza de inspirar la administración de los arroyos y ríos del área.

James Fuller, MD, Goliad County

James Fuller, M.D., is a retired Cardiothoracic Surgeon. He has been actively involved in the San Antonio River Watershed and is currently involved in regenerative agriculture utilizing a program of management-intensive grazing to sequester carbon and eliminate the use of toxic chemicals which are harmful to our water and diverse plant landscape. He also takes part in ongoing conservation projects with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, U.S. Fish and Wildlife, Ducks Unlimited, and the Guadalupe-Blanco River Trust. As recognition for his service, Dr. Fuller received the Lone Star Land Steward Award in 2005 and 2006. The award recognizes private landowners for their habitat management and wildlife conservation accomplishments.

¿Cómo muestra la Autoridad del Río su compromiso con la seguridad de la comunidad?

Since its inception in 1937, the River Authority has been resolute in its commitment to safety. Currently, safety is deeply ingrained and is a crucial mission at the River Authority, including protecting people and property from flooding. With increasing drought and deluge throughout the San Antonio River Basin, the careful monitoring and maintenance of 41 dams are important. Also, the work on floodplain mapping is well-known and widely respected. This will help first responders, local government, and community leaders in many ways as it strengthens the community’s ability to make informed decisions about reducing flood risk. Additionally, water quality monitoring is essential for safe contact with the river.

Floodplain Viewer


¿Qué lo motivó a formar parte de la junta de River Authority?

My motivation stems from always having lived near rivers below major metropolitan areas. For 35 years, I have lived on the San Antonio River, watching its ebb and flow. A river is going to do what a river wants to do, and it is constantly changing in myriad ways. The River Authority is dedicated to achieving a sustainable watershed by improving the river’s water quality. As a River Authority board member, my hope is we continue to sustain its flows, keep the river “clean,” and preserve these riparian areas for future generations.

Dr. James Fuller stands in a wide field

Qué Boletín de calificaciones de la cuenca del río San Antonio ¿La métrica te parece más interesante?

Of the 12 indicators in the Basin Report Card, I find the river’s health and water quality tracking the most interesting. If the community is going to interact with the river, this data is critical. Is the river safe for primary contact, general use, recreation use, aquatic life use, and/or fish consumption? The River Authority relies on water quality scientists, aquatic biologists, stormwater scientists, and environmental investigators to collect and analyze data that identifies positive and negative conditions in the river. We can all make a difference to ensure our everyday actions positively affect the watershed to keep the river safe and enjoyable.

Aquatic Biologist take measurements of the River's water quality

What River Authority program in Goliad do you want to highlight for readers?

The River Authority helps Goliad County in many ways. One of the most important programs I would like to highlight is the Eventos de recolección de desechos domésticos peligrosos (HHW) conducted twice annually in Goliad County as well as Wilson and Karnes counties. This helps to keep the river and surrounding watershed free of toxins, pharmaceuticals, tires, and electronics. River Authority volunteers are always there to support these events. Additionally, the River Authority has teamed up with the Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCD) through an interlocal agreement and an associated annual work plan to apply community assistance funds for conservation activities like environmental education programs, soil health work, and erosion control projects. The River Authority is always there in support of city, county, and water supply company needs.

Two workers sort through old paint cans during hazardous household waste collection event

Regístrate en River Reach

Alcance del río es un boletín trimestral de 12 páginas diseñado para informar a los electores de la Autoridad del Río San Antonio sobre los numerosos proyectos de la agencia, servir como vehículo de comunicación para la junta directiva y fomentar un sentido de unidad e identidad entre los residentes de Bexar, Wilson. , Karnes y Goliad.

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