Perspectivas de la Junta: Dominic Carvajal del condado de Wilson

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Última actualización el 30 de enero de 2024

Esta serie brinda a los lectores la oportunidad de conocer las ideas y experiencias únicas de la Junta Directiva de la Autoridad del Río San Antonio (Autoridad del Río) y su conexión personal con el Río San Antonio con la esperanza de inspirar la administración de los arroyos y ríos del área.

Domingo Carvajal, Wilson County Board Member

Mr. Carvajal was an attorney for 12 years with the Texas Attorney General’s office before entering private practice. Carvajal Law Firm, PC opened its doors in 2006. Since then, the practice has moved toward specializing in Real Estate, Probate and Last Will and Testaments.For approximately 25 years, Mr. Carvajal has provided legal counsel for businesses and individuals in a variety of situations, including multi-party real estate transactions, probating of loved ones’ estates, Last Will & Testaments, medical and financial Power of Attorney documents and corporation formation amongst many other areas of law. He started his career in Civil and Family Law, working for The State of Texas, and is now in private practice specializing in Real Estate and Business Law. In 2011 he became a co-owner and title examiner of Wilson County Abstract Company.

¿Cómo muestra la Autoridad del Río su compromiso con la seguridad de la comunidad?

The River Authority shows commitment to the community’s safety in various ways, including ensuring the water in the rivers and creeks stays healthy, monitoring storm events, and managing and operating 41 dams. In particular, I would like to highlight the River Authority’s commitment to flood safety and ensuring that the community and natural environment remain secure from significant flooding. As the Authority of flood safety and a cooperating technical partner for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the River Authority delivers high-quality flood risk mitigation information.

Lush greenery around the San Antonio River

Flooding at Helton Nature Park in Floresville, Texas-Wilson County.In 2018, flood warning sirens were installed by the River Authority.

The agency is taking the initiative in sharing the Bexar County draft floodplain maps with the community ahead of FEMA’s formal map adoption process. Rural counties, such as Wilson County, face challenges regarding floodplains and lack of infrastructure or resources. Fortunately, the community benefits from the River Authority’s hard work to improve flood warning systems and identify and prioritize the most valuable capital projects to address flooding issues in all counties that it represents.

¿Qué lo motivó a formar parte de la junta de River Authority?

Curiosity. Before my induction to the River Authority Board, I did not have much personal knowledge of the organization. However, two former board members, who were classmates of mine, spoke very highly of the organization. This inspired me to do some homework on the River Authority and see what they were all about. As I investigated the organization further, I became increasingly interested. I realized that serving on the River Authority board would be an excellent way to serve my community and learn more about the San Antonio River as it runs through Floresville, Texas.

Fallen tree debris in the San Antonio River

The San Antonio River at Helton Nature Park

For citizens of Wilson County, having the River run through the community isn’t as much of an attraction compared to more urban areas like downtown San Antonio. The county is very prone to flooding, which has the potential to cause problems within the community. Knowing that the River is a part of my community, plus having a lifelong commitment to Wilson County, pushed me to contribute my expertise to the River Authority Board. I knew serving would be a great learning experience for me. I have been delighted with the organization’s professionality and stewardship during my time on the board.

¿Qué métrica del Informe de la Cuenca del Río San Antonio le parece más interesante?

In terms of the River Authority’s mission, the most interesting metric to me is the water quality. Water quality and control is an essential public health service the River Authority provides. Many departments within the organization are busy testing, reporting on, and educating about water quality to maintain the commitment to safe, clean, enjoyable creeks and rivers. One example is in December 2022, when Wilson County experienced much-needed heavy rain. These rain events led to flooded roads and low-water crossings throughout the county.

Why is this a problem? Stormwater can pick up pollutants on surfaces in the community, such as oil, fertilizers, and gasoline, and transport these hazardous chemicals into local creeks and the San Antonio River. This is why it is crucial for communities to understand this connection and how the River Authority water quality testing directly supports healthy waterways and public health.


Excess buildup of nutrients like yard clippings in water bodies leads to algal blooms and oxygen depletion. These conditions can harm fish and other animals in the San Antonio River.

¿Qué programa de River Authority en el condado de Wilson desea destacar para los lectores?

I want to highlight the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Events the River Authority holds in Wilson County twice a year. At these events, residents are invited to drop off unwanted household hazardous waste—tires, paint, used motor oil & filters, cleaning products, pesticides, computers, small electronics and pharmaceuticals. Particularly in rural communities, where there is less access to recycling facilities, it can sometimes seem more convenient to dump trash on people’s property, on the side of the road, or even in the River.

Two workers sort through old paint cans during hazardous household waste collection event

Unfortunately, unproperly disposed waste has a high probability of leaching its way into the River, causing harm to the creeks and rivers. The River Authority puts high importance on making sure the community knows when these events are taking place. This gives the public ample time to gather all accepted materials and attend an event in their county.

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