Board Insights – Dominic Carvajal

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San Antonio River Basin - Wilson County

Esta serie brinda a los lectores la oportunidad de conocer las ideas y experiencias únicas de la Junta Directiva de la Autoridad del Río San Antonio (Autoridad del Río) y su conexión personal con el Río San Antonio con la esperanza de inspirar la administración de los arroyos y ríos del área.

Dominic Carvajal

Domingo Carvajal, Wilson County Board Member

Mr. Carvajal was an attorney practicing Civil and Family Law for 12 years with the Texas Attorney General office before going into private practice. Carvajal Law Firm, PC opened its doors in 2006. Since then, the practice has moved in the direction of specializing in Real Estate, Probate and Last Will and Testaments. For approximately 25 years Mr. Carvajal has provided legal counsel for businesses and individuals in a variety of situations including multi-party real estate transactions, probating of loved one’s estates, Last Will & Testaments, medical and financial Power of Attorney’s and corporation formation. In 2011, he become a co-owner and title examiner of Wilson County Abstract Company. Mr. Carvajal has served on the River Authority board since 2021.

What have been your goals and top priorities as a River Authority board member in 2024?

In 2024, my primary goal as a River Authority board member has been to gain a comprehensive understanding of how the River Authority’s initiatives and projects align with its mission to ensure safe, clean, and enjoyable creeks and rivers. The River Authority oversees numerous projects at varying stages of completion, many of which commenced before my tenure on the board. My goal is to serve the citizens of Wilson County effectively by developing a deeper understanding of the organization and its undertakings. This involves actively participating in board meetings, engaging with community stakeholders, and staying informed about the progress and impact of the River Authority’s projects. Ultimately, my goal is to contribute meaningfully to the board’s efforts, ensuring that we continue to protect and enhance our precious water resources for current and future generations.

Mr. Carvajal served as a judge alongside board member Derek Gaudlitz (right) during the staff 2024 SARA BBQ Cookoff in Wilson County.

Mr. Carvajal served as a judge alongside board member Derek Gaudlitz (right) during the staff 2024 SARA BBQ Cookoff in Wilson County.

Describe one of your favorite memories related to the river, creeks, or trails.

One of my most cherished memories related to the river involves our family’s Easter celebrations. Each year, my extended family and I would gather in anticipation of this special day. Weeks before Easter, we would come together to clean and prepare the property by the river, ensuring it was a welcoming and beautiful setting for our festivities. On Easter day, the atmosphere would be filled with joy and laughter as we cooked, shared meals, and engaged in heartfelt conversations. These gatherings were not just about celebrating a holiday but also about strengthening our bonds, reminiscing about memories, and creating new ones. The river served as a tranquil backdrop to these celebrations, making each Easter a deeply meaningful and memorable experience.

River Authority Environmental Sciences field staff conducting a fish survey.

Are there any insights you would like to share in your experience as a board member?

My tenure as a River Authority board member has been incredibly enlightening, revealing the vast and diverse scope of the River Authority’s work. I was pleasantly surprised by the extensive responsibilities and initiatives undertaken by the River Authority. These include managing and maintaining 42 dams, which are crucial for flood control and water conservation. Additionally, the River Authority plays a pivotal role in tracking and ensuring water quality through the Clean Rivers Program, in partnership with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). This program is vital for monitoring the health of our waterways and ensuring they meet environmental standards.

San Antonio River Basin - Wilson County

Moreover, the River Authority is proactive in organizing Household Hazardous Waste Collection Events, which are essential for preventing harmful substances from contaminating our water systems. The River Authority also operates and maintains beautiful downstream parks, such as Helton Nature Park, providing recreational opportunities and preserving natural habitats. These insights have deepened my appreciation for the complexity and importance of the River Authority’s work, and I am honored to be part of an organization dedicated to protecting and enhancing our river way.

Large trees tower over a picnic bench at Helton Nature Park.

Parque Natural Helton

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