Be River Proud! – Staff Edition

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River Authority Be River Proud Logo

El personal de la Autoridad del Río San Antonio está comprometido a seguro, limpio, agradable arroyos y ríos, pero necesitamos que USTED nos ayude a proteger y preservar nuestros recursos naturales para las generaciones futuras. Hay muchas maneras en que puedes involucrarte y Estar orgulloso del río! We want to highlight your positive actions so please share with us pictures or videos of you and your loved ones on social media using #BeRiverProud. Once a month, we’ll choose among the posts to share on our blog!

Need some inspiration? We asked our staff to share how they are River Proud and below are some of their submissions.

Permeable Paver Maintenance

by Michelle E. Garza, Stormwater Analyst

“This is a picture of our Watershed and Park Operations crew maintaining the Guenther Permeable Paver Parking Lot. After a sweeper truck sweeps and vacuums the parking lot removing any debris that may be clogging the space between the pavers, our crews fill in the rock that was also removed as part of the process. They do this every quarter to keep the system functioning properly and to protect the San Antonio River!”

Utilities Field Crew

by Amy Middleton, Utilities Manager

River Authority Utilities Crew Conducting Line Maintenance

“The Utilities Team is committed to exceptional water quality! Our crews are out in your neighborhoods cleaning lines and monitoring our collection system and our inspections team works with developers to construct lines that are sustainable. These steps keep our collection system in top working order and help prevent spills.”

Supporting Education and Recreation in our Parks and Trails

by Renee Luna, Administrative Assistant II

River Authority donation to UTSA Geology department

“This is a photo of our Recreación Superintendent Michael Gramley and Janet Vote, UTSA Geology Instructor. Our Watershed and Park Operations department donated giveaways for the geology students to support their outdoor studies and love of nature.”   

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Cierre del sendero de la puerta 5

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Sendero de remo SASPAMCO

El sendero para remar SASPAMCO está abierto desde River Crossing Park hasta Helton Nature Park.
*Tenga en cuenta: Paddling Trail desde Helton Nature Park hasta HWY 97 todavía está cerrado debido a bloqueos. 

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