Únase a nosotros este septiembre para el 2do Simposio Anual del Río

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2022 River Symposium

Última actualización el 30 de enero de 2024

La Autoridad del Río San Antonio (Autoridad del Río), en asociación con la Fundación Río San Antonio, será el anfitrión del 2Dakota del Norte Simposio anual del río en Sábado 24 de septiembre de 2022, de 9 a 16 horas. miDisfrute el día con actividades para niños, vendedores ambulantes, camiones de comida, una carrera de remo y un sorteo de árboles. Además, aprenda sobre la cuenca del río San Antonio, también conocida como Cuenca del río San Antonio, y la Autoridad del Río misión con una variedad de sesiones y talleres. Este evento es GRATIS para que el público asista! Ven a tomar un lugar bajo los pétalos de concreto de Confluence Park para escuchar y aprender sobre lo que hace la River Authority en tu comunidad.

What is the purpose of the River Symposium?

The River Symposium is designed to increase the community’s understanding of the San Antonio River Basin while also learning how the San Antonio River Authority works to harmonize the needs of people and the watershed sustainably. This annual event brings together area citizens, families, and professionals who share a common interest in the San Antonio River. This event also offers opportunities for the public to interact with River Authority professionals, collaborating governmental agencies, non-profit organizations, environmental and community advocates, and fellow citizens who are all working together to ensure area creeks and rivers remain healthy for generations to come.

Highlights from the 2021 River Symposium

The River Symposium is built around National Public Lands Day (September 24) and World Rivers Day (September 25) to serve as a “call to action” by inspiring attendees to become good stewards of area natural resources. This year the River Symposium will be held at Parque de la Confluencia (310 W. Mitchell Street in San Antonio, Texas). Confluence Park is a venue created by the Fundación Río San Antonio, which enhances the efforts of diverse community organizations working to make a positive impact in San Antonio.

Confluence Park is the venue for the 2022 River Symposium

What is happening at the Symposium this year?

The 2022 Symposium will consist of a variety of activities and presentations about the San Antonio River. Kicking the day off, the “Mission Reach Rally” Paddling Race, which is the River Authority’s 3tercero race in its Paddling Race Series, will showcase the Mission Reach Paddling Trail. After the race kicks off, head up to the concrete pavilion to enjoy FREE coffee and donuts and listen to a session by the River Authority’s General Manager Derek Boese, y el Junta Directiva de la Autoridad del Río. They will not only be speaking about what the River Authority does but will also unveil the first glimpse of the new 2022 River Basin Report Card.

Tandem racers complete a turn down the San Antonio River

Participants of the First Paddling Race Series’ the “Battle of the Paddle”

Derek Boese

General Manager Derek Boese  

Other presentations this day from River Authority scientists, engineers, and staff include Flood Trivia Isn’t Trivial, el Southern San Antonio River Basin, Parque Cultural San Pedro Creek, The Life of the Aquatic, y Litter, Snails, and Science! Oh my! There will also be a Kid’s Zone with learning activities and aquatic life tanks filled with San Antonio River critters by our Departamento de Ciencias Ambientales. Don’t forget to visit the Tree Giveaway sponsored by the City of San Antonio, too! Only 100 trees are available, so come get yours before they are gone!

Haga clic aquí para el horario actual de los eventos del River Symposium 2022, así como un calendario de estacionamiento para comenzar a planificar su aventura en el Simposio.


¡El alcance del río ha vuelto!

Alcance del río es un boletín trimestral de 12 páginas diseñado para informar a los electores de la Autoridad del Río San Antonio sobre los numerosos proyectos de la agencia, servir como vehículo de comunicación para la junta directiva y fomentar un sentido de unidad e identidad entre los residentes de Bexar, Wilson. , Karnes y Goliad.

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Cierre del sendero de la puerta 5

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*Tenga en cuenta: Paddling Trail desde Helton Nature Park hasta HWY 97 todavía está cerrado debido a bloqueos. 

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