As part of our commitment to safe, clean, enjoyable creeks and rivers, the San Antonio River Authority (River Authority) offers free park programming throughout our four-county service district in an effort to promote our parks and trails and forge meaningful connections to area creeks and rivers.
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the River Authority’s parks and trails have remained open, providing important recreational opportunities along the San Antonio River. Our Recreation and Park Programming staff has produced a video series to provide answers to their most popular recreation questions. The next video on the series features the first of a two-part paddling tour along the San Antonio River Walk available in English and Spanish!
También ofrecemos el video en español como parte de nuestro esfuerzo para alcanzar a nuestra comunidad hispanohablante.
***In accordance to CDC guidelines during the COVID-19 pandemic, mask wearing and social distancing are strongly encouraged while on the trails.***
Kayaking the San Antonio River Walk
Did you know that the River Authority maintains more than 45 miles of paddling trails throughout the San Antonio River Basin? Join our Recreation Superintendent on a paddling tour along the San Antonio River Walk that includes recommendations for beginner and more advanced paddlers as well as safety tips to help you plan your trip. You’ll also get a unique view of the River Walk from the water as we feature trail sections like the King William and Eagleland paddling trails and take you on an epic 8-mile excursion along the Mission Reach Paddling Trail!
Remando el Paseo del Río San Antonio
¿Sabías que la Autoridad Fluvial del Río San Antonio (Autoridad Fluvial) mantiene más de 45 millas de senderos para remar a lo largo de la Cuenca del Río San Antonio? Acompáñanos en un recorrido en kayak a lo largo del Paseo del Río con recomendaciones para remadores principiantes y con experiencia más avanzada. También ofrecemos consejos para que planees tu jornada con la seguridad en mente. ¡Te ofrecemos un punto de vista único del Paseo del Río desde el agua con los senderos para remar de King William y Eagleland y también hacemos un recorrido épico de 8 millas a lo largo del sendero para remar del segmento Mission Reach!
***De acuerdo a las recomendaciones del Centro de Control de Enfermedades durante la pandemia COVID-19, se recomienda el uso de mascarillas y distanciamiento social al visitar nuestro parques y senderos.***