Board Insights: Michael W. Lackey

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Interpretive sign at Confluence Park

Last Updated on January 30, 2024

Photo credit: San Antonio River Foundation

This series provides readers the opportunity to learn about the unique insight and experiences of the San Antonio River Authority (River Authority) Board of Directors and their personal connection to the San Antonio River in hopes of inspiring stewardship of area creeks and rivers.

Michael W. Lackey, P.E.

Michael W. Lackey is a graduate of Central Catholic High School and holds a Bachelor of Science from Texas A&M University and an M.B.A from the University of Houston. He is a Principal at Lackey de Carvajal Cx (LCCx), an energy efficiency engineering firm where he verifies that complex building systems perform as intended to achieve energy and water efficiency, reduce CO2 emissions, and improve indoor environmental quality. Mr. Lackey served on the San Antonio Water System board of trustees prior to being elected to the River Authority board and he was also a River Authority-appointed board member of the San Antonio River Foundation. He has been board member since 2009 and his term expires in 2021.

What is your favorite section of the San Antonio River?

Confluence Park has many integrated Green Infrastructure features throughout the grounds.

My favorite section is the area around Confluence Park, just south of Mitchell Street along the Mission Reach of the San Antonio River Walk. Confluence Park is a magical place! I love seeing the diversity of the six eco systems represented and the majesty of the main pavilion’s canopy. And the magic goes beyond the park boundaries! You can also access the San Antonio River and walk along the banks to see firsthand the ecosystem restoration project at work. I enjoy seeing the riffles in the river; they bring the river to life!

Of all the San Antonio River Authority’s current Safe, Clean, and Enjoyable projects and efforts, which do you think is the most impactful or inspiring?

Grand Opening celebration of Elmendorf Lake Park improvements in 2017

Elmendorf Lake Park

As part of our commitment to safe, clean, enjoyable creeks and rivers, the River Authority started a community-based creek restoration effort in 2008 to restore the aquatic and riparian habitats of 11 miles of Alazán, Apache, Martinez, and San Pedro creeks. Following the success of the San Antonio River Improvements Project and San Pedro Creek Culture Park, I’m most excited to see the Westside Creeks Restoration Project continue to move forward. Should the Westside Creeks reach its full potential, it would be a marvelous ecosystem restoration which would open up a major trail system along the whole westside of San Antonio.

Why is it important to be a steward of the San Antonio River Basin and protect area creeks and rivers?

We are blessed with a tremendous natural resource. One of San Antonio’s nicknames is “River City.” The river was essential to the founding of this area 300 years ago. It continues to unite and define us and is a tremendous way for all of us to be more connected to nature. The River Authority maintains more than 500 acres of parks along the San Antonio River’s 240-mile course which provide opportunities for the public to forge meaningful connections with our river.

What is a positive action someone can take to Be River Proud?

River Walk Mission Reach Trash Collected

Trash on the Mission Reach of the San Antonio River Walk after a storm event

All of us can be stewards of the river in our own small ways. We need to be cognizant of the fact that whatever waste or pollution that is carelessly tossed can end up in the river. We must all be mindful of our actions to keep the river clean and enjoyable. From picking up after our pets, to joining the River Authority’s River Warrior program, there are several ways to Show Your River Pride and play an active role in the protection of our creeks and rivers.

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SASPAMCO Paddling Trail

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