Board of Directors

A 12-member Board of Directors (Board) governs the San Antonio River Authority (River Authority). The Board consists of two at-large members from each of Wilson, Karnes, and Goliad counties, plus two at large members for Bexar County and one member for each of four River Authority districts in Bexar County, for a total of six members representing Bexar County.

All Board terms are for a period of six years. There are no term limits. All positions are elected except in the case of vacancy prior to term end, in which case the Governor of the State of Texas appoints a replacement to complete the term. When candidates are unopposed, the Texas election code allows for an entity to declare by ordinance that the candidates are unopposed and are elected to office. Elections for the River Authority Board members are staggered. The River Authority holds elections every two years.



Board of Directors

Jim Campbell

Jim Campbell

Bexar County District 4, Chairman of the Board

Gaylon Oehlke

Gaylon J. Oehlke

Karnes County

Patrice Melancon

Patrice Melancon, P.E.

Bexar County At-Large

Lisa Barratachea

Liza “Lisa” Barratachea

Bexar County At-Large

Lourdes Galvan

Lourdes Galvan

Bexar County District 2

Michael Lackey

Michael W. Lackey, P.E.

Bexar County District 3

Dr. James Fuller

James Fuller, M.D.

Goliad County

Jerry Gonzales

Jerry G. Gonzales

Bexar County District 1

Dominic Carvajal

Dominic Carvajal

Wilson County

Derek Gaudlitz

Derek J. Gaudlitz

Wilson County


John Yochem

Goliad County

Download and review the San Antonio River Authority’s Position Papers on a number of topics concerning the health of the San Antonio River Basin.

A twelve (12) member Board governs the San Antonio River Authority (River Authority). The Board consists of two at-large members from each of Bexar, Wilson, Karnes, and Goliad counties, and one member for each of the four River Authority districts in Bexar County, for a total of twelve (12) members.

All positions are elected except in the case of an unexpected vacancy prior to a term ending, in which case the Governor of the State of Texas appoints a replacement to complete the term. Board terms are staggered with elections held in November of odd numbered years. The River Authority calls its election by ordinance and in accordance with the Texas election code.  Each election is administered through each county’s elections office. When candidates are unopposed, the Texas election code allows for the River Authority to declare by ordinance that the candidates are unopposed and are elected to office.

After this past legislative session, the legislature changed the length of the term for members of the Board of Directors from six-years to four-years with no term limits. The two candidates receiving the greatest number of votes shall be declared elected. To ensure Board member’s terms continue to be staggered during the transition from six-year terms to four-year terms, the person who receives the highest number of votes shall be elected to the first at-large Bexar County Director position and serve a four-year term beginning January 1, 2024 and ending December 31, 2027. The candidate who receives the second highest number of votes shall be elected to the second at-large Bexar County Director position and serve a two-year term beginning on January 1, 2024 and ending on December 31, 2025. After the election in 2023, all subsequent elections will be held every four years and all Board members will serve a four-year term. 

San Antonio River Authority Board Requirements:

The duties of the Members of the Board are described in the River Authority bylaws and enabling act. Individuals considering running for office for the River Authority Board are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the bylaws and the enabling act. (please add link to updated Enabling Act)

  1. Regular Meeting Requirements: The Board of Directors meets in regular monthly sessions on the third Wednesday of each month at 2 p.m. at the principal office of the River Authority, 100 E. Guenther Street, in San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas. Meetings are typically two to three hours in length. The Board may hold regular meetings at other locations and times if so ordered by the Board. In addition, the Board may establish additional committees and/or task forces to assist the Board by a majority vote of the Board. All members of the Board may serve on one or more Board committees and/or task forces. All Board Regular meetings are conducted in conformance with the Texas Open Meetings Act.
  2. Training Requirements: A person who is elected or appointed as a member of the Board may not vote, deliberate or be counted as a Board member until the person completes a training program in compliance with Section 13-a of the enabling act. The training program includes but is not limited to information on: 
    1.  Laws governing the River Authority’s operations as well as those laws applicable to Board members; 
    2.  Programs, functions, rules, and budget of the River Authority;
    3.  Scope of and limitations on the rulemaking authority of the Board;
    4.  Results of the most recent formal audit of the River Authority;
    5. – Open Meetings Act: The Board of Directors of the River Authority are subject to the Open Meetings Act (OMA) and are required to participate in educational training pursuant to section 551.005 of the Texas Government Code. The training requirement applies to all elected or appointed officials who participate in meetings subject to the OMA. The law requires that members subject to the OMA complete training within 90 days of taking the oath of office or otherwise assuming the responsibilities of office. To learn more about the Open Meetings Act Training, please visit:
    6. – Public Information Act: All information produced by and for the River Authority Board of Directors and staff is subject to the Texas Public Information Act (Texas Government Code 552). The public has a right to prompt access to the records of the River Authority that are not confidential or otherwise protected. All communications of River Authority Board members regarding River Authority  business are subject to the Public Information Act (i.e. email, documents, text messages, meetings and minutes, as well as election filling information).
  3. Financial Disclosure Requirements:
    1. Every year River Authority Board members are required to file personal financial statements (PFS) with the Texas Ethics Commission (TEC) Please note this information is subject to the Public Information Act. 
  4. Ethics: River Authority Board members are subject to rules of ethics (Section 19) including disclosure of conflicts of interest.

  5. Eligibility Requirements: To be eligible to be elected or appointed as a Director, all candidates must meet the following requirements as provided by enabling act (section 9):

    (i) any person over the age of twenty-one (21) years, (ii) residing within the District and within the county from which they are elected or appointed and (iii) possessing the qualifications of a juror shall be eligible to be elected or appointed and to serve as a director.


Section 176.004 of the Local Government Code requires a “local government officer” to complete a Conflict of Interest Statement (CIS) disclosing any business relationship with the local government agency if he or she receives taxable income or certain gifts from any person or business that contracts with the River Authority or is considering doing business with the River Authority.

A “Local Government Officer” (LGO) is required to file a CIS if:

  • The person has contracted with the local governmental entity; or
  • The local governmental entity is considering doing business with the person and the person has an employment or other business relationship with the local government officer or family member of the officer, that results in the officer of family member receiving taxable income; or
  • The person has given a local governmental officer or family member one or more gifts that have an aggregate value of more than $250 in the 12-month period preceding the date that a contract was executed or the local governmental entity is considering doing business with the person.

The local government officers and management of the River Authority are:

Board of Directors:


Trail Closure: Museum Reach Trail

Please be advised that the Museum Reach Trail at the Pearl South Bridge will be closed from Thursday, December 19, 2024, through Friday, December 20, 2024, until close of business. This closure affects the west bank of the river between Newell Street and Myrtle Street due to construction on the trail. Barricades and signage are in place to indicate the closure and provide alternative routes. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this period. Note: Please exercise caution and follow all posted signage and barricades in the area.

Trail Closure: Roosevelt Park to I-10

The trail section from just south of Roosevelt Park to I-10 will be closed starting December 16th through December 19th. Please see the attached map for specific closure details.

Stem Density Efforts

Please be advised that trails near the Confluence Park and Conception Park area will be temporarily closed due to ongoing Stem Density efforts. We appreciate your cooperation and ask that you remain mindful of workers and closures when in the vicinity. Thank you for your patience as we work to improve our natural spaces!  

SASPAMCO Paddling Trail Temporarily Closed

Staff have removed two large log jams just downstream of Helton Nature Park, keeping the southern portion of the SASPAMCO Paddling Trail temporarily closed. Staff are working to contact adjacent landowners to support a land-based removal solution.

SASPAMCO Paddling Trail

The SASPAMCO paddling trail is open from River Crossing Park to Helton Nature Park. *Please Note: Paddling Trail from Helton Nature Park to HWY 97 is still closed due to blockages. 

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